Chapter 9

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"JADE!" Jughead shouts from your doorway as the door flies open, banging against the wall.
"Jug?! You scared me!" You say, sitting upright.
"What. The. Literal. FUCK?! And don't act like you didn't see Reggie's post!" Jughead says walking toward you with his phone in his hand. Then Fp runs into the room and pushes him into the wall before he can get any closer to you.
"Dad! What was that for?!" Jughead shouts before he groans and puts his hand on a spot on his back from where he hit the wall.
"Don't you dare get closer to her! She is only a few months younger than you, she can be with whoever she wants.
"Not Sweet Pea!" Jughead shout at Fp as you watch them arguing.
"What the hell is going on?! We can hear you in the whole house!" Alice asks, walking into your room.
"My son things it's a great idea to yell at his sister for liking someone." Fp says, looking at you.
"It's Sweet Pea! Sweet Pea-" Jughead starts to say before you cut him off.
"Sweet Pea actually likes me and he protects me! Yesterday Reggie kept trying to kiss me and he pushed me onto the lockers, Sweet Pea got him off me and then we went to the river after school. He said he liked me and I said the same!" You shout at Jughead.
"You didn't do a thing about Reggie, or about Josie calling me a slut and wh*re, Sweet Pea did. Now all of you get the hell out of my fucking room so I can change and go to school." You say, getting out of bed.
Once everyone is out of your room, you get dressed in a black t-shirt, gray ripped jeans, and a blue flannel you took from Sweet Pea yesterday wrapped around your waist. After you get dressed, you grab a piece of toast from the kitchen and ride to school on your motorcycle. As you walk into school, everyone gives you weird looks. Fangs and Toni go up to you at your locker.
"Hey guys." You say as you open your locker.
"Hey, we saw the post last night and uh." Toni says, leaning on the locker beside you.
"What?" You say confused.
"Josie is in the lounge, go see for yourself." Fangs says, as Sweet Pea walks up.
"Sweet Pea, oh hey, you can both go." Toni says as you close your locker and Sweet Pea puts his arm around your shoulders.
"What?" Sweet Pea says with a confused look on his face.
"Lounge, let's go I guess." You say before you and Sweet Pea walk toward the student lounge. When you get there Josie is on a mini stage saying horrible things about you.
"I mean like guys, hear me out; she JUST got here and she's already going after someone! And she almost kissed Reggie yesterday?!" Josie says as you get on a table.
"Correction! Reggie pushed me onto the locker and tried to kiss me as I kept saying no and kept trying to get away. Then Sweet Pea pushes him off and we went to Sweetwater, he told me how he felt about me and I said I felt the same, I've had my eyes on Sweet Pea since I got here because he is awesome, handsome and will fight for me and what's right." You say as everyone looks at you, instead of Josie. Then everyone cheers for you as you get down and give Sweet Pea a hug. After school you and Sweet Pea go to Pops and order milkshakes and onion rings. As you and Sweet Pea are on your date, Toni and Cheryl walk in and in the booth seat across from you and Sweet Pea.

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