Chapter 2: 𝘾-𝙘𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝?!

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Your POV

Gopal stretches his arm, "finally. My second favourite time of the day" Gopal said.

I turned my head to him, curious on what's his most favourite time of the day, "if lunch not first then what is?" I asked.

"Of course it's when school ends" gopal said. "I'm surprised but expected it somehow" I said.

As soon as we found a place to sit, we go on and buy our lunches except me. I sat down and take out my own lunch I've packed this morning. Or more specifically, my aunt.

"Don't you want to buy your lunch?" Boboiboy asked. I only looked at him and smile, "I brought my own lunch" I said.

It's not really a special lunch. I just brought (favourite sandwich) and (favourite milk).

He nodded, "I'm gonna go buy mine" he said and left to buy foods. I wonder what's his favourite canteen food...

After a while, everyone is here with their own lunches. I can't help but notice that Fang had the same lunch as me.

"Hey, we have the lunch" I said, gesturing between his and mine. We're lunch buddies now.

"So? It's not like I like it or anything" he said, obviously annoyed. Rude. Whoever had him as a bestie probably an idiot.

"You don't have to make that stupid face" he remarked. I mentally and physically roll your eyes. God, his attitude.

"My brother force me to eat this..." he touched it like it was a disease, "this disgusting abomination" he continue. I gotta say, he already has quite the face but his sassy remarks is just a let down.

"You don't have to be so mean to a sandwich" I said, crossing my arm.

"What? Is this your favourite sandwich" he said.

"What? Of course not!" I claimed. It's not good to lie but, if it's to him, I'll lie about my name too if I had to.

"Whatever you say. I know there's nothing that can beat the most tastiest thing in the world" he said. He mentioned it like it was a blessing from the god.

I tried to guess, "(favourite food)" I said, confident that it's the most delicious food in the world.

"Ew, no. It's obviously Carrot donut" he said. That doesn't sound amusing to me. It sound more like a vegetable that the actual donut it is.

"Carrot donuts? Yea no" I said, disappointed it is not my favourite food. Whatever, everyone has their own tongue.

"It's like the best food ever."

"Are you sure? Cause that sounds like pizza with pineapples topping. It's not great. Trust me I tasted it." (Sorry if I offended anyone that love pineapple pizza)

"Come on you haven't tasted it yet"

"Fine, prove me wrong then" I said. He didn't know this is my scheme to let him buy me free food, more likely donuts.

"Okay after school follow me and I'll show you where to get some" he said. I can already feel his anguish. Hehe this plan is going well

"But I'm broke~" I said rhythmically. Add with a pout as well.

"No sweats. Its on me."

My eyes lit up. Yes the plan work! Diabolical. There's one thing I can't resist... free foods. I jumped of excitement.

"You sure love free foods huh."

Boboiboy POV

'Haha cute' i think to myself as I watched Y/N jumped with excitement. It looks like she already close with Fang. But when I looked at Fang...there's this feeling. It feels like the feeling of...I dunno...jealous..? Wait-why would I be jealous of Fang-I've never been jealous of him, b-but why?
I looked over to see Y/N smiling and laughing. I quickly turned and blushed. I took a look back and think

M...maybe I have a crush on...Y/N'

Your POV

As soon as I walked out off the school ground, Fang yelled my name and make a signal to come there. I do as he wished.


"You're ready?"


"The carrot donuts, idiot"

"Don't you want to change clothes first? And besides I didn't tell my aunt yet."

"Ugh fine. Let's meet up at Tok Aba know where it is, right..?"

"Yes I know."

"K then. See ya there and DONT be late."

"Yeah yeah fine. See ya."

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