Chapter 9: 𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙩

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Ugh, 😩 Wattpad is killing me with their words count, It didn't freaking show it

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Ugh, 😩 Wattpad is killing me with their words count, It didn't freaking show it. Bare with me on this. If the story is short or long, it's just Wattpad messing with me

(A/n ) means 'aunt name'

Second person POV

You didn't feel like waking up from the bed. Your aunt is worried about how you've been doing these past days. You didn't get enough sleep, you ate a small amount of food and you didn't even get out of the house, aside from school of course. You didn't pay attention in class. Your grades are lower than usual. You ignored everyone you could even your best friend and your crush.

Boboiboy POV

Y/n've been depressed lately. I wanted to help her but she just pushes me aside. I tried everything I can but she still ignores me. I'm starting to feel like she hates me.

I talk to Fang about it, and even he doesn't know what to do.

I hate seeing her like this

I want her to smile like she always used to, laugh with no caring about the world and talk like there's no tomorrow.

I want the old Y/n who is bubbly and always excited.

I don't want to lose her like this. Not with these states of her.


I went to her house to check up on her, only to be greeted by her aunt. I've decided I'm going to her house and straight-up talk to her. I asked her aunt where is her room and can I go there. She shows me the way there and told me Y/n rarely get out of her room, and she left in front of Y/n's room alone.

I hesitated before touching the handle and open the door. Wait, what am I thinking barging into a girls room like this? W-what if I came in when she's dressing up? She must think I'm a pervert! Then she'll hate even more!

My thoughts lingering in my mind as I felt a blush crept onto my face. My hands cover my face as embarrassment washed onto me.

I build up my courage and prepared for the worst. I touched the handle and take a deep breath before opening the door.

I close my eyes as the door swung open. I slowly opened my eyes and a relief sigh comes out of my mouth. She was in bed, body facing oppositely from the door. I closed the door behind me and make my way toward her.

A sigh was heard from her "I told you Aunt A/n, I don't want to eat" she said with an annoyed tone.

I sat at the end of her bed "Hey Y/n. It's me" I smiled awkwardly at her even she can't see me. "Oh, it's you" the way she said 'you' sounds disappointed. "Hey, what's up? I came to check on you. Are you okay?" I said softly.

She slowly sat up and faces me "it's nothing for you to be worried," she said not looking into my eyes. I know that she's lying, I can see it through her eyes.

I lean in closer to her, slowly embraced a hug her. "It's okay Y/n, you can tell me" I rubbed a circle on her back while I hugged her. She hesitated, and then hugged me back. She hides her face on the crook of my neck. I can feel teardrops coming from her.

I hugged her tighter "you ready to tell me now?" I said, rubbing her head. She didn't answer, still holding onto me. "Don't worry take your time" I assure her.

She broke our hugs "Yaya... s-she" she sniffled. Question runs around my head, did yaya do this? What did Yaya do to her? I waited for her to continue.

Tears started to gather in her eyes "Yaya...she didn't want to be my friends. She- she said some pretty harsh word to me. I- I don't know what to do Boboiboy" she stammered, tears start streaming down her face again.

I hugged her again "it's okay. Hey, how about I talked to Yaya about this. Maybe she'll change her mind" I said calmly to her.

Now, we just cuddling with each other. But slowly her body getting limped. She fell asleep. I tuck her into her bed.

I can't believe that Yaya made her like this. My bestfriend.


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