Chapter 12: 𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙮 𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚

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I know I didn't post lately BUT I have a reason.

We'll start it with the hot one, Solar

Headcanon: Boboiboy have different abilities and personalities when he's in certain elements.

Headcanon: Boboiboy have different abilities and personalities when he's in certain elements

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Second-person POV

Just an imagine of what you'll wear,

You walked your way to where you and Boboiboy about to meet up and have your study date

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You walked your way to where you and Boboiboy about to meet up and have your study date. The place that he chooses is simple but you like it.

As you were walking, you noticed the path and immediately know that you've arrived to your destination...

Tok Aba Kopitiam.

You really aren't excited, as to being here multiple times but the atmosphere here is calming. You weren't surprise he choose to study here.

You walked closer to it while looking for Boboiboy. You saw a flying robot, serving everyone in that kopitiam.

You walked over to it, "Hey, is Boboiboy here?" You waved shyly.

It only smile and pointed to the counter, "he's over there" he said. "You must be (Y/n). I'm Ochobot" the robot pull out his hand as a sign to shake.

You shake his hand, "nice to meet you, Ochobot" You spoke.

"I heard a lot about you" he stated.

You were flattered by that word. "Oh, I assume you heard me from Boboiboy" you said.

"Yeah, you're right" he said happily. He give of the vibe of a child, which was adorable.

"I better be going, bye" you waved as you saw a glimpse of Boboiboy at the counter. Ochobot waved back and run along with his job.

Once you arrived at the counter, you didn't see Boboiboy. "Excuse me" you called. Trying to catch attention from anyone there.

"Yes?" An old man answer.

"Is Boboiboy here?"

"You must be the girl that Boboiboy won't stop talking about"

You blushed

"He always talk about how pretty you are, how cute you are and-" he was cut off by Boboiboy himself.

"Tok Aba! That's enough" he quickly pop from the side. He shoves, who you assume, Tok Aba aside a little.

"Forget what he just said" he nervously laugh. You couldn't help but giggle at the situation. "Let's go. We'll study there" he pointed at a table that was a bit far to the corner.


"So that was your grandpa?" You asked. He rubbed the back of his neck "Please, forget what he said earlier"

"I think he's cool" you said. You look at his clothing, it was mostly white but stylish, with orange aesthetic and hints of yellow lines, which looks like it's glowing.

"I like your clothes. Is this Solar?" You said, gesturing to his body.

He nodded. "I thought about it, I always learned best when I'm Solar" he said.

"Well then, let's start!" You chimed. He couldn't helped himself but smile at you. He loved it when you're hyped up about something small.


"Wrong! It's not like that" he said, scribbling something on your book. It was the fifth time you're wrong. It's not your fault you're not so good with math.

"It's so hard," you whine, resting your face on the table. "Can we take a break, please~" you said. You put down your pen, not wanting to do more work.

He sigh. "But we just take it 30 minutes ago," he took the pen back to your hand. "But I'm tired" you whine.

He took your chin and bring it up. He bring your face near him. His mouth at you ear, "I'm tired too but let's finish our work first" he whispered with a low voice. His voice sends chill down your spine.

"Then we can hangout" he said. He let go of your face and turn back to your work. This side of Boboiboy is making you feel something.

"Yay! Done at last!" You cheer. Boboiboy look at you smugly. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked. He chuckled. "You only done it because of my help"

You huffed. "I guess you're right then. Thanks" you said. He was about to say something but you already called Ochobot to your table.

"What can I get for you?" He asked. You putted a finger to your chin and start to think. "I'll have a.... oh! A (hot/ice) chocolate Tok Aba's, please" you said.

You look at Boboiboy, waiting for him to order his. "I'll pass" he said. You frowned at him. And with that Ochobot leave to make your order. "Why didn't you order one?" You said, angry.

"I didn't feel like to. And besides, I already drink it before you came" he said. You make a sad face and said "traitor".

he laughed, ruffling your hair. "You're cute" he said. Pink tint cover your face quickly. You cover your face with your hand.

He chuckled at your behaviour "I love you" he said. You peeked in between your hand "love you too" You smile.


So... I got the rona. That's the reason. I'm good now, a lil trauma but, all good. I didn't get to play or touched my phone for a week. Sorry a thousand

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