Chapter 14: 𝙇𝙞𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙧𝙮

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Sleepy boi time

Lol I know I'm late but...
Did you guys get the Boboiboy officials Wallpaper

They were so cute''


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Second person POV

"I'm sorry. I hope we can make things out" you said.

"I want to hang with you like we used to.."

"So... friends?"

You held your hand out. Yaya hugs you. "I'm, sorry," she said. You swear you could hear her sniffles. "I shouldn't break our friendship because of some stupid things" she continues.

You hugged her back, "that's okay. Everyone make mistake," you said, "we're friends now, aren't we?" You asked.

Yaya smiled, "yeah," she said. You were glad you can make up with Yaya and on good terms. You never want to lose her again.

You guys broke the hug and catch up with each other. If any details missing. Chatting, how your life been.


"Where's Boboiboy?" You asked, can't find your boy anywhere. "He said he wanted to go to the library," Gopal said, taking a bite of his food even though lunch almost end.

Fang scoffed, "What is he even doing there?" he said. "Study?" You said. The group looks at Fang with disappointment that he didn't know the obvious reason.

"What? Nobody even goes there to study" he said, "the whole school know that that's the place to ditch classes" he added

"He wouldn't do that" you defend Boboiboy. As much oddness there is, you believe that Boboiboy would never do it and you stand by it.

"Believe what you want to believe (Y/n). Deep down you know the truth" fang said. He's your best friend but you still can't resist his asshole of attitude.

"Fine! I'll prove it to you" you said, jumping off from where you sit.

"Do what you want." He said, "Just saying but...If I'm right, you have to do what I say for a week"

"Yeah whatever," you said. And with that, you left for the library.

Even though it's almost class time you still want to find Boboiboy. You believe he is a good boy that never goes against the rule.

You step into the library, "Boboiboy?" You called. "Are you in here?" You went looking until there's only one section left. The section was placed at the end of the library and the light there was broken.

Just looking at it gives you chills. That's why nobody even wants to be near this library. It's creepy.

What can you do?, it's the only place you haven't checked yet. To prove Fang is wrong, you took a deep breath and step in there.

"Boboiboy? Are you there?" you called. Getting chills runs up your spine. Your eyes haven't adjusted yet in the dark so you can't see anything.

You saw like a shadow figure. Limping? Onto the walls. You let out a small squeal as you see the shadowy figure gone from it place.

You frantically look for the shadow and felt hand wrap around your waist. You started to let out a scream.

"Calm down"

You stopped every movement. "It's me". You turn around and saw Boboiboy wrapping his arm around you. "Boboiboy?" You called.

He nuzzled his head at your neck. He answered with a hum. You pulled away and hit his shoulder.

He winced, "what was that for?" He asked, touching his shoulder as if it will make it less hurt.

"That was for scaring me!" You yell in a whisper tone. Even though nobody will even hear you, you still keep your voice low.

You took his hand, "Let's go. Class is starting soon" you said. He pulls you back, "No" he said.

"Boboiboy..." you tried to argue. He cuts you off with, "can we just cuddle here? Please?". You really don't want to skip classes but once in a while won't hurt.

You didn't notice it earlier because of the darkness but he's in his ice form which is comfortable to cuddle with. He sat and you followed him.

"I'm sorry.." he said, suddenly. You tilt your head, confused. "For making you skip classes." He continue.

You nuzzles deep in his chest, "I don't mind." You said. He tightened his grip around you. "Thank you for being here for me" he said.

"You know you can talk to me about anything" you said, feeling him wouldn't lose his grip on you.

"I'm tired" he mumbled.

He went on and rant everything to you. You honestly like that he opens up his problem to you.

You caressed his head making him touch starved for you. "You feeling any better now?" You asked.

He stayed silent, "thanks (Y/n). I don't know what'll happen to me if you're not here" he said.

You gave him a kiss on the forehead, "I'll always stay by you" you said, smiling at him.

He giggles, "I love you" he claimed, giving you a peck on the lips. "I love you too" you replied.


Fang sitting on his chair with a cocky face, "see? I told you he was ditching. He even took (Y/n) in it too" he said.

He laughed, "I guess (Y/n) will be my slave for a week" he said with a devilish face.

The gang are concerned for what will happen for you and pray the better for you.

"Are (Y/n) and Boboiboy gonna be suspended. You know, for skipping classes" Yaya asked, worried you might get in trouble.

"The teacher didn't really care. Stuff like this happen all the time" Gopal said.

"Well, as long as you didn't skip school so often. Then, you're not in trouble" Ying continue Gopal's words.

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