Chapter 7: 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩

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𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑃𝑂𝑉



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Y/n's house


It was time for you, Boboiboy and Fang to go to that new ice cream store. You decided to wear this:

 You decided to wear this:

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You're done with your clothes. You're waiting for Boboiboy and Fang to pick you up. They're a little late but they both arrived at the same time. Which surprised you. What surprises you more is how handsome Boboiboy is in his casual clothes, well you may have seen him in his casual clothes before but this time it's different. You felt hot pink tint on your cheeks.

You all began walking. You've decided to walk there because it's not that far from where you are. You glanced at Boboiboy seeing his face a little annoyed and you assumed he's not comfortable with you but actually he's annoyed at Fang.

The walk was kinda quiet and awkward for some reason. You tried bringing something up but the conversation ended so quickly. You looked over at Boboiboy which he didn't noticed, his face is so calm that makes you blush a bit.

You've arrived there which you can't wait because of the awkwardness. You take Boboiboy's and Fang's wrist and you pulled them toward the ice cream store. Boboiboy was shock by your action but he didn't minded it.

Once you're there you let go of their wrists. Boboiboy was a little sad, he wanted to stay like that, he don't want you to let go, he wanted to hold your hand.

You ordered (favourite flavour) ice cream while Boboiboy order a chocolate and Fang a strawberries.

You ordered (favourite flavour) ice cream while Boboiboy order a chocolate and Fang a strawberries

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[ try imagine your favourite flavour ice cream was something like this]

You guys went to take a bench nearby. You take a bite on your ice cream.

"This ice cream are the BEST!!" You said taking another bite on the food "It's soo good yet so cheap" you continued. Boboiboy giggles at your review and agrees.

While eating your ice cream you noticed Boboiboy staring at you. He smiled, pointing at the side of your lip pointing out there's a little ice cream there. The scenes from the outing day play out in your head. He's about to wipe it out like before but he was cut by Fang's hand, wiping it out with a tissue "Damn girl, can't you do it yourself" Fang said.

You're kinda pissed at your bestfriend. You and Boboiboy were having a moment and he just cut it off. You gave him the 'why' look but he throw you a confused look clearly don't know what's happening.

Meanwhile with Boboiboy, he's hella mad at Fang for ruining the moment. He looked at Fang with a death stare. Fang took quite a moment to figured out what's up. He then realised what he have done and he's scared that he'll be in a grave 'cause you're gonna beat the hell out off him. But it's not his fault, you're the one who didn't tell him about your little crush on Boboiboy.

Fang quickly gets up and said "im gonna go to the toilet. Hey Y/n, come with me!" Before you could answer he dragged you to the nearest restroom. "Hey-!" Boboiboy speaks but you and Fang already away.

"Why did you bring me here" you said after arrived at the 'restrooms' that Fang said he was going to go to. "You have a crush on him?! Why didn't you tell me. I looked like an idiot who tries to broke a relationship" Fang said clearly freaking out that Boboiboy gonna haunt him in his sleep even though Boboiboy's a sweet bean.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I don't want you to make fun of me, that's all" you said looking down while holding the back of your neck. He flicked your forehead, "Ouch- why'd you did that" you pouted, putting a hand on your forehead. He put his hands onto his hips and said "Don't ever keep a secret from me".

You and Fang went back to Boboiboy. You saw Boboiboy eating his ice cream, pouting because Fang dragged you away from him. You're heart skipped seeing how cute he is and your cheek covered with a pink tint. Fang looked at you and wanted to laugh 'cause he thinks your blushing face looked dumb. You saw him holding his laughter in and know exactly why he's laughing for. At that time you question yourself why you're friends with him.

Boboiboy noticed that you're back from the 'toilet' , he quickly get up and went to your direction "What took you guys so long?" He shot a question to you. You don't know how to answer the question so you nudge at Fang using your elbow signalling him to answer. "You know that girls take a long time in the bathroom" he stated making you offended about it. "No I don't" you defend yourself. "There's no need to lie Y/n. We already know it" he said "You don't have to be ashamed of it" he continued.

You and Fang were arguing about 'girls don't take a long time in the bathroom' while Boboiboy standing on the side feeling a stabbed in his heart just watching you and Fang together, he don't like it, he didn't want to lose you,

he loves you.

You're already home

You're lying on your bed facing the ceiling. Dreaming you can be with Boboiboy.



It was a text notification from your phone. You looked at the name 'notmycrush'. You knew immediately who it was, Boboiboy. You changed his contact name the other day after he asked you to the ice cream store.



Hey Y/n! :D

Did you get home safely?

Hey Boboiboy 👋

Yeah i did, no need to worry

That's good to hear

I'll like to chat with you longer but i gotta deal with some thieves.

Bye 👋

Okay, be safe 👋


You close your phone and bring it to your chest and whisper to yourself  "he's so kind, I wish we can be together but look at me. He deserves better" slowly mumbling you went to sleep.


Sorry I didn't post like a long time but what can I say except PROCRASTINATING

I'm the type that can change within months so expect some format to change.

I feel like giving Boboiboy some yandere vibe whatchu think?

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