Chapter 23: 𝙀𝙢𝙤 𝙢𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩

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The magical weekend ended and as you know it Boboiboy had to get to his mission

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The magical weekend ended and as you know it Boboiboy had to get to his mission. You swore you wake up and prayed that he'll stay at earth longer. But dreams don't always come true ain't it.

He have to drag himself and you to the ship just because you didn't want to let him go. Of course you don't. Letting him go now feels like letting him go forever. You felt him so fragile, easily slips through your hand.

You cling on Boboiboy not wanting to let go. And he get that. By the second your grip on him gets tighter. You felt if you grip a little more tighter he can die of choking.

Boboiboy didn't feel as you had. He looked lost in his thoughts, "(Y/n)... it's time to let go" he said as he smiled softly at you.

"I don't want to" You'd said out loud. No sign of you loosening your grip, only getting stronger and tighter.

"(Y/n), there's no time, I have to tell you something" he said, voice so low. The most dissatisfying thing is he didn't even look straight to your eyes.

You hesitate, "what is it?"

He glanced at your eyes but averted it quickly, "I don't know how to say this... but,

I hope you don't get mad at what I'm trying to tell you.."

What could possibly be something so important that he have to tell you right now. Just as he was about to step inside the spaceship. You hoped a thousand hope that it'll be something cringe or cheesy, like;

'I'll never forget you',

'I'll come for you even if death invite me',

Or just a simple, 'I love you'.

Just so you wouldn't forget it and keep it as a memory you'll cherish. But that wasn't it. It was more horror than that. You never want to even think about the word at all.

"I want to end this relationship" he had said.

Your grip loosen. Both your arm fall to your side. Disbelief written on your face. Your eyes dull and betrayed, "What... ? You-

Are you serious..?"

He nodded, not even dared to look at your face. Tears started to gather at the brim of your eyes. You hold it back, not wanting to cause a scene.

You shook your head, "No, I don't want to... why would you..? Is it because of me?" You said, gripping onto your clothes fabric.

He didn't reply. He walked into the ship and finally looked at you dead in the eye, "I am very sorry. Forgive me, (Y/n)..." he said as he waved you goodbye for the last time. The doors of the spaceship is closing. You got the feeling this will be your last meeting for years.

You took a deep breath,


You shouted with all your emotions. You know this scenario will happen. LDR is hard. It's hard to let him go. You wanted to, but it's hard. Right now you feel like screaming your lungs out. Itching to let out the heartache.

A tear fell from your face as the ship starts to fly and went through the portal to who-knows where. You let the tear roll. It's just a little reminder of him.

You went home and drop to your bed. You didn't even change your clothes, you want to be in misery. Your aunt knocked at the door inviting you to dinner but you refused. Not feeling the appetite, you had said. It's true.

As you know it, you fell asleep. You woke up at 4:00 in the afternoon. Feeling sore you get up and change to a more comfortable clothes to be in. You glanced at your phone, hoping Boboiboy had text you. Maybe this is just a cruel prank.

You cursed yourself for thinking about him. Walking furiously back to bed you pull the cover up and try getting a sleep. Even though you just slept from morning till afternoon you'd thought maybe an extra sleep you needed.

So you let yourself snatched by dreams.

It's 3 in the morning, and you are wide awake. Because you had slept for a long period of hour, you can't sleep. You opened you phone and mindlessly scroll through social media.

As you scroll through Instagram, you saw a photo posted by Ying. It's a group photo consist of she and the kokotaim gang. Your eyes automatically search for a certain orange cap boy. He smiled, but a forced smile.

You double cursed yourself for thinking about him twice after what had happened. You went out from Instagram and go scrolling through other social media.

And as time passes by, it was already 6:00 in the morning. You sluggishly went out of bed and get ready for school.

At least he's not at going to be at school. You're gonna take your time there and forget about him. You're going to distract yourself to everything and not think about him at all.

You entered the classroom. You felt a pair of eyes staring at you. You make your way to your desk and sit on your seat. You looked behind you and said, "what do you want?"

Iwan had been watching you when you entered till you seated. You can see a blush starts to appear at his ears, "um, I— I wanted to apologise for my brother behaviour. He tends to be like that" he nervously said.

You forced a tone that doesn't sound rude. It's not that you don't like him but you're not in the best mood, "no I don't mind about him" you said and truth to be told, you really don't mind his brother at all.

You about to turn yourself when Iwan said, "I already finished our geography work yesterday", he brought out a paperwork which you assume is the work. You looked at him still.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I thought you were busy with your boyfriend" he said, flustered. You went bitter. He noticed your change of expression, "..did something happen... to the both of you?" He asked definitely hesitant.

You don't want to drop the whole bomb but you managed to say that he broke up with you. Iwan was shocked, "how could he... and to a girl like you!" He fierce.

You just sit there and stares at him. You saw anger risen in his eyes, "so— so that's why you look tired?" He scold. You do look tired even though you slept more than you should.

"No matter what happens, take care of yourself! You're making me worry" he blurted. Red starts to form at his ear, "wait!— forget what I've just said!!!!" He flustered. 

You smiled, "alright, I'll took better care of my body", you said. He looked at you bewildered and returned the smiled, "great..."

You turn your body, facing front. You thought, maybe you can get Boboiboy out of your head by talking to Iwan. He seems to care for you. You don't have romantic feelings for him, sure. But you force yourself into it. More so than you like it.

Goodbye, Boboiboy


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