Chapter 20: 𝘿𝙧𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩

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Day passed by, and he was already on his trip to space

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Day passed by, and he was already on his trip to space. You got to bid him goodbye. And after about an hour. He called you,

"Hey love. Miss you already" he said. He gave you a flying kiss. You pretended to catch the kiss and kept it close to your heart. Giving him a tiny laugh at his quirkiness.

"Do you want to see the galaxy?" He asked. You nodded excitedly. Maybe you can't be there but seeing it from Boboiboy's view is enough for you.

And just like that you had your own conversation. He talks about his mission, saving power spheres all around the galaxies. And you talked about your school days.

That calls will happen everyday. Sometimes he even helped you with your homework too. It was a daily thing for both of you, and it goes on and on until it's already your last day of high school.

It's a bit heartbreaking that he can't be there with you to spend the last year of high school together. But what can you or him do. You sometimes just shoves a big 'F' to circumstances. Circumstance this, circumstances that. You're honestly tired with all of this.

To make your heart break more. Life started to grind a big wall for no communication to your relationship. Great. Just great.

It started with you, who didn't pickup Boboiboy's call. You were stressed out and tired from all the pressure with your biggest exam that will make your future and all. That afternoon you'd spend with a good lil sleep.

Yes, Boboiboy will be taking it too. Everyone will be taking, SPM. No one excluded.

And with that, your relationship started to drift a little. Boboiboy is busy with studying and TAPOPS mission. You, busy with study too and the weight of expectations from your unloving parents.

Days go by. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. In conclusion, it's really drifting apart. It's not that you guys didn't talk, you did, but sometimes it became twice or once a week.

You don't want to harm your relationship with him. So, you texted him. Telling him that clear his schedule that Saturday to call you.

Now that's the situation you're in. You're waiting for him to call you first. You just wanted to see if he really cared and cleared his plans.


Already on the first ring, you picked up quickly, "Hey baby!" You called. That's right, you both started to use pet name on each other. You don't know what to call him so you just go with the basis, 'baby'.

"Um, (Y/n)?"

That's not the voice you were longing to here. That's not the oh so sweet sweet melody you want to ring in your head all day. That's,

That's, Iwan. Your classmate, Iwan. Your partner for a geography project, Iwan. The one who called you and you picked up, Iwan. The one you accidentally called "baby", Iwan.

"Oh... I'm sorry, Iwan. It was an accident. I swear. I was expecting someone else..." you said, that last part, it was more of a whisper.

"It's okay" he said. After that there was a long pause between you both.

"Ah, so, what's up? Why did you call me?" You asked. You just wanted this to get over quickly. You don't think you can face him with how embarrassing that moment was.

"Oh! Yeah, um. I just wanted to say that- I wanted to go take pictures at Kuala Lumpur for the geography project" he told me.

"And you should be there too. Since you're my partner and all" he continue

You don't know if he forgot or you simply didn't tell him you're busy today. But either way, "I'm sorry, Iwan. But today's not it. I am specifically busy today. We can do it tomorrow?" You suggested.

You already planned to, maybe begged the life out of you, to give Boboiboy a break tomorrow. So you can bring him on a date to earth.

Begged the life from Commander Kokoci. There's no way you're going to begged to Laksamana Tarung. You already left him a good impression on you. There's no way you're gonna break that image.

"Oh... that's okay (Y/n). I didn't know you're busy today. Sorry for interrupting you, bye" he said and quickly ended the call.

Just as soon as that. There's another ring:



"Hey love"

You jumped from excitement. That, is the voice you were longing to hear. That, is the person you want to stay besides you. That, is the one you love so much in your life.

"Hi bae!" You answered. Words can't describe how ecstatic you are to finally have a long conversation or just a nice old conversation with no interruption.

"How was your day?" He asked.

You started to talk about everything little thing that had happened the past months. You both shared a good talk and a good laugh. He shares his stories and you shared yours.

"Love, I have a surprise for you" he abruptly said. He looked nervous. Like, if it didn't go right it will be a disastrous.

"What is it?" You calmly said.

"Are you by chance free tomorrow?" He asked.

"Indeed I am. Why are you asking? Do you want to call me tomorrow too?"

"It's not that... I actually get to visit earth tomorrow. I asked Commander Kokoci and he gave me permission"

You were surprised. You were planning to do that and he already done it. You didn't think you had told anyone about your devious plan. Maybe it's just lovers telepathy.

"So, I was thinking... maybe we can have a date tomorrow? It'll be pleasant since we didn't have time together for so long"

He gave you warm smile. You were a blushing mess, it's so sweet that he went to the trouble to ask the Commander. Never meet any man like him.

"Of course I love to. I wouldn't drop that offer for anything–"

And it struck you. You already made plans with Iwan. It'll be rude to just let him down like that, "Aw man! I forgot I was supposed to go with my friend to KL for a project" you whined.

"That's okay love. Just tell her that I want to tag along. I'm sure she wouldn't mind" he suggested.

"Yes. That's a good idea. Oh, and it's a 'he' " You said correcting him.

"It's a boy?"

"I think I'll ask him now. And I think I'll end our call here it's around dinner now" you informed him. Today is your turn to cook and there's escaping the wrath of your aunt if you suddenly don't want to do it. No excuse.

"Bye, I love you" you winked

"Yeah, and I love you too. Bye"

Yay I posted
Now, go wait another 5 months for me to upload 🔫🗿
Ya and you're 17 in here shut up because you're gunna SPM
What age are you before this? Don't ask me ask yourselfbyeee

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