Chapter 13: 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙡

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It's Cyclone time boi

Question, should I give this book a title? If so, should I went with the old title or a new one?

Question, should I give this book a title? If so, should I went with the old title or a new one?

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Second person POV

"Hey Boboiboy!" You chimed. "Ah! (Y/n)!!" Boboiboy yelp. You just came from behind him, of course he was shocked.

You laugh. After it die, "Let's go to the carnival!" You said, clearly excited. He looked at you, confused to what brings you to this. "Sure, but when?" He said.

"Now!" You laugh, taking his wrist and pull him up. You ran toward the carnival, still holding his wrist. "Hey, slow down!" He urged.

You didn't listen to him and kept running. After a moment, you stopped. You turned your head toward Boboiboy. He looked exhausted from the running. "We're here" you said.

You looked up at the carnival. Amazed by all the light and food. Carnival always look best in the night sky. Boboiboy look too. Even he is amazed. You ran in, looking to your left and right to see various of booths. Leaving behind Boboiboy. You didn't even notice that you lost track of Boboiboy.

You heard a someone calling your name. You turned to see Boboiboy looking for you. He saw you and immediately went to you. "What are you thinking running off like that?! What if you get lost?" He pouts, lightly punch you at your sides. You only giggle at his remark. "Sorry" you sang.

You look at him and his clothes are different from before. The new one filled with lots of dark blue and the styles looked hipster.

"You changed?" You ask. "Of course I did. How do you think I'd find you so fast?" he giggled and ruffles your hair.

"Hey! You're ruining my hair" You pouted. You fixed your hair and start walking around the carnival but this time on Boboiboy sides.

"What should we do first?" Boboiboy asked. To be honest, even you don't know what to do. There's too many things you want to do and so little time.

You felt a hand grabbing yours and pulled you somewhere. The warmth left. "Let's see who's the winner" Boboiboy said. Holding up a water gun and shoves one to you. You caught it and look what he's referring to. A water gun game. You have to shoot some moving cut-out alien and get the highest score from your opponent.

You smiled, "oh it's on" you said, already preparing yourself to attack. He giggled. You two battle like you battle for the last pizza.


It had come to conclusion that you won half of the game you and Boboiboy played. In your arm, there's a lot of plushies you won. Some are cute and some would give you nightmare, but you insisted it's still cute.

"Let's take a break" Boboiboy said, pointing at an empty bench. "Good idea. I'm starving anyway" you said walking to the bench. You put down your new plushies and about to go buy some food but Boboiboy stop you.

"I'll go. You rest" he said. You only nodded and sit back. He went to get some food when you heard someone greeted you. It was a boy, a little older than you.

You looked at the boy. Trying to remember if you known the person or from school, but there's none of him. You start to wonder what he want.

"You're cute" the boy said with a smile. You're weird out. A boy telling you you're cute out of nowhere is strange. He started to get closer to you. You moved back not wanting anything to do with the guy.

He took your wrist, "Don't be scared, little girl~" he said. Your wrist started to hurt as he grips your wrist harder. You wiggle your arm to lose hold of him but it only got stronger.

He put his other arm on your side. You try to break free from his touch but it didn't work. "Are you afraid? Well, don't be. It's just me" he said. You build up your courage, "let me go" you urged him.

He only chuckled and look you dead in the eyes, "how about.... no" he said with death in his eyes. Your legs already shaking and about to give out. You hope Boboiboy will be here any minutes.

He started to move his hand near your private place. Tears already gathered at your eyes. You closed your eyes wishing Boboiboy would be hear now.

You closed your eyes tightly. You felt a wind rushes in front of you. You opened your eyes slowly. There you see him, Boboiboy, his feet at the guy chest. He looked like he's about to murder him.

He was whispering something to him but you couldn't hear him. You came closed to him and hug him, "Boboiboy..." You whimper. He looked at you and back to the guy. "You're lucky I'd let you live" he scoffed, "If I see your face near her again I'll make sure you never see the light of day ever again" he said with a serious tone.

He let go of the guy. The guy ran as if he meet the death itself.

Boboiboy hug you back and search if the guy had hurt you anywhere. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Oh my god I'm so sorry" he said. You only looked at him and said, "my wrist hurt but I'm good".

He looked at you with teary eyes. He puts his head at your shoulder. "I'm sorry. If I didn't go too long you must've been safe" he sniffled. "No. You save me" You caresses his head.

He slung his arm around you, hugging you tightly. "I promise I will protect you after this" he said. You giggle, "and I know you'll succeed after this" you said, giving him a kiss on the lip.



Your stomach growled. "Hehe" you put a hand and the back of your head. Boboiboy giggles and pulled out a (favourite snack). Your eyes lit up. "I bought your favourite snack" he said, jingling the snack.

"Yay! Thanks Boboiboy!" You cheered. You both enjoyed the snack and went to explore some more before going back home

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