Chapter 8: 𝙒𝙝𝙮?

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I'm glad people enjoy this book🥰 if I'm making a mistake, please do tell. I'll try to do much and better chapter.
Sorry if it short or something Wattpad doesn't show me the 'words count'

Second person POV

You walked into the classroom to see that Yaya and Ying in there, talking. They noticed that you're coming in and to their way. As you walk up to them, Yaya stood up and get out of the classroom. You didn't even get to say 'hi' to her. You walk to Ying and asked what's wrong with Yaya. She just shrugged.

This didn't happen once, it happens multiple times before. For example, when the teacher told you to pair with someone, you asked Yaya to be your partner but she said "sorry, I'm pairing with Ying". You just go along with it.

During lunch, you can't find any table for you. You spot one with Yaya and Ying. You went over there, you asked if you can sit there, Ying said sure but Yaya just silent and gives you glares. You feel uncomfortable, you feel unwelcome, you feel hated.

You can't shake the thought of Yaya ignoring you every time, in class, recess, even out. You try confronting her but she just glares and gives random excuses to get away from you. You don't want to doubt it but it's clear that she doesn't like you for some reason. You don't want to be hated by your first friend you made in school.

You're currently staying in class to do some unfinished work while the other went on recess. You don't mind missing lunch, well, it happens that you were full, somehow.

You were casually doing your work when someone enters the room. It was none other than the one on your mind lately, Yaya.

When she saw you in class she quickly turns around. "Wait!" you yelled at her before she gets out of the class. You got up and went to her as she turned her body facing you. "What?" she asked you with an angry tone. "Why...did I do something?" you asked holding her hand. "You did nothing..." she said taking her hand from you. "Come on, Yaya. You've been ignoring me for days now. Just tell me" you said wanting to know why. "Fine, you want to know why?!" she snaps. Before you could answer she cut you off "it's because you're a dirty man stealer"

Your heart crumbled hearing your friend calls you a 'dirty man stealer' "I- I don't know what you're talking about-" you stuttered but she cuts again "don't know what I'm talking about?! Don't play pretend Y/n. You know what I'm talking about". "No, I- I swear!" Tears began to gather in your eyes.

She pushes your shoulder "you!... You stole him from me!" she yells "we could be together, but you just have to ruin it, don't you?!" she kept yelling and pushing you till you fall on your back. "Who are you even talking about?" You asked while sitting up, as you can't quite catch up on what she's saying. "I'm talking about Boboiboy, you idiot" she pointed out.

Your eyes widened. You didn't know she had a crush on Boboiboy. You don't how to respond. "What's wrong, Y/n. Cat got your tongue? This proves it. You just want to see me suffer" She said making her way to the door. Yaya's standing at the door about to leave but she said a last word to you "don't ever talk to me or go near me. Consider us never friend"

You stood there full of emotions, guilty, angry, fear and the most biggest one... sadness. You fight the tears that about to come out but you can't. You let the tears flow down your cheeks. You build up yourself and slowly standing up, wiping your tears away. You heard the bell rings, indicating lunch is over. You went back to your seat and pretend never happened.


Ever since that day, you didn't hang out with Boboiboy much. You still hang with Fang, but not much like you used to. Fang and Boboiboy always invited you to go hang out somewhere, Mall, park, Tok Aba Kopitiam, and even the ice cream store you liked, but you always turned them down.

The words that Yaya said to you that day hit you directly. You try to get it out of your head but every time you see Yaya, the thought and the pain struck you again. You lost in tracks. Yes, you have lost some friends before but it's never about men and you always make out with them afterward.

Your POV

I guess that's life, huh

Why am I so stupid to think that thing will turn out my way


I'm tired

Life ain't fair...

... Or is it?

 Or is it?

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