Chapter 10: 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙩

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Okay I figured out why the word count didn't show up
I'm such an idiot lol

Okay I figured out why the word count didn't show upI'm such an idiot lol

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Enjoy :D


Boboiboy POV

I saw Yaya on her way to meet with Ying in the school garden. I could feel rage building in me. I walked up to her and called up to her. She greeted me back but I kept my mouth shut.

She wore a worried expression she asked if I'm okay. I walked up to her. Confusion and worries spread her face. I looked at her dead in the eyes.

"Say you're sorry"

Her face turned to a confused one. "Sorry? What did I do?" She asked

"say you're sorry to (Y/n)" I said clearing up my voice.

Her face looked disgusted at the mention of your name "Why should I? I didn't do anything to her" she said.

"Why are you even lying, Yaya. I knew what you do. (Y/n) already told me" I said knowingly. Why is she even trying?

"She's lying to you and you believe her?! Come on Boboiboy, you're better than this" she's trying to deny it. How stupid does she thinks I am.

"STOP! I'm just asking you to apologise to her. Is it that hard?!" I yelled causing her to flinch.

A moment of silence between me and Yaya before Yaya spoke again.


My face turns into disbelief. One of my close friends who I thought was sweet and forgiving turned into the opposite of what I thought.

"It is hard" she blurted.

"She did nothing wrong" I spoke in an angry tone that about to snap.

"Yes, she did," Yaya yelled, crossing her arm. Glaring at me.

"Ok, then. Tell me what she did wrong" I said knowing she definitely did nothing wrong.

"She's breathing"

"Huh? What?" I said.

"She's breathing the same air as me. She's alive. That is what's wrong. She exists."

I froze at her words. Did she want her dead? Lightning started to spark from my body. I couldn't control my anger nor my power.

I looked up to Yaya with deadly stares, her eyes shown bravery to turn into fears.

I was about to hit her with some lightning but I felt arms wrapping around my torso from behind. It was warm.

"Stop" a soft voice from behind me squeak. In an instant, I know who it is. (Y/n). Was she watching us the whole time?

"Please don't fight," she said again and I do as she wishes. I turned around to face her. Her arms still around me.

"Were you here the whole time?" I asked. She looked up at me. Her glossy (e/c) eyes looked at my brown eyes. "Yeah," she said. Her voice is soothing to hear.

"I'm sorry" I said

"It's okay"

I turned my head back to see Yaya is gone from where she stood. I feel bad for her because I could almost hurt her. I'll try talking to her again and maybe less aggressive.

"Anyway, when did you get here" I asked. Curious to when she noticed us.

"You kidding? I thought you want me to come to school. Well, I best be going if you insisted" she pulled her arms back and about to leave.

"Wait- no I-I didn't mean like that" I grabbed her wrist and pulls her to my chest.

"I was just kidding" She laughed

Oh, how I miss hearing her laugh

"Oh yeah, why did you come?" I asked, confused on why she came to school today and not the other day.

"I just thought, I'd want to see the person I love the most"

I felt my heart broke a little, but I may have a chance. She doesn't said who is he.

"Oh, and who is that?" I asked, secretly hoping it was me.

She pulled away and lowered my body to her height. She pecked my lips and giggle.


I stood there still processing what just happened.

I stood there still processing what just happened

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My face turned into a red crimson one. I touched my lips, still can't believe what happened.


I'm sorry not posting anything for the last weeks
I'll explain later on

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