Sasha x Fem reader | Doubts

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A/N: So I got a notif about a Sasha x fem reader fluff, but I it said it got deleted so imma do it anyway. Also, this is my first gxg fanfic so sorry if it's bad, but Imma do it anyway. On a another note, this was supposed to be a fluff but it's also a bit of a comfort so, yeah. Enjoy

Song - Another Love - Tom Odell

Sasha - 17 y/o

(y/n) - 17 y/o

Au - Modern 


You looked at her from across the lunch room. It was had been hard talking to her ever since the new feelings had occurred. Not even she knew why you distanced yourself. There was no point. Maybe you should just confess. You had known each other since you were three, what's the worst that could happen?


The small voice in your head told you. It hadn't left since you had confirmed your feelings. The thing would say horrible things, things that shouldn't and wouldn't be repeated. Sure, it was a voice you created, one to hold you back from the social embarrassment of getting rejected, but no matter how hard you tried, it wouldn't leave.

Just quite.

It started up. You grabbed a fistfuls of hair as it became louder and clearer. Sasha had never mentioned her sexuality to you. There was no guarantee she even like the opposite sex. That might have been why you were so scared, or maybe it was the fact that you hated the way you were.

You should.

You hated you. Who you liked, how you dressed, how you looked, and how others looked at you. It was a burden you had to bear, and probably would for the rest of your life. This had happened before. You caught feelings and distance yourself so it would become nothing more. 

Watch out.

A hand rested on your shoulder. You turned your head to see Sasha's warm smile. It hurt, it hurt so bad. Your heart tore its way out of your chest and into her hands. With just a few simple words, she could kill you, your dreams, and your spirit. That was only if she knew.

Be careful.

Your lip quivered as she stood beside you. Sasha talked, but nothing was heard. The pounding was too overwhelming. It brought tears to your eyes and nearly made you cry. Others seemed to watch from the side, seeing what would happen next, or so you thought. An odd guilt came over you. The feeling of eyes watching you, eyes that weren't even there. It was almost as if the girl could stare into your soul and crush your greatest desire. 


She went in for a hug but you quickly dodged and ran out of the cafeteria. Now real eyes were staring at you, but you went too fast to notice. It was against the rules, but still, you ran out into the schools front lawn and onto a bench. Finally, you were alone along last.

No you aren't

Sasha ran behind you and nearly knocked you off the bench. Once again, our heart beat fast. The butterflies returned, bringing anxiety along with them. The girl began to talk again, but your lip quivered and you became lost in thought.


Six words. Six simple words that would change the course of your life. "Why are you being so distant?" Sasha demanded, getting fed up with the silence. "Because, I love you!" you yelled on instinct. Sasha's eyes widened as her hand began to fall from yours. With swift steps, you stood up and tried to walk away.


A hand grabbed yours and turned you around. Soft lips collided with yours. Sasha pressed on further. It wasn't sloppy, seductive, or sexy. The kiss was passionate, sweet, and well paced, like the one used for comfort, but there was more to it.


"I love you too." Her words were sincere and heartfelt. Your heart fluttered as she kissed you again. You pulled away, looking her in the eyes. "What are we?" "Whatever you want us to be." She laughed, letting her hand drop to her side. You smiled and your tears dried up.

Behind you 

"Ew what the hell?" a boy said from behind you. Both you and Sasha snapped your heads towards the boy. Sasha chucked her lunch box at the kids head, hitting him right in the middle. He fell to the ground as its contents did as well. 

She sulked while you comforted her. "Come on, let's get something from the cafeteria," you smiled, leading her into the school as the kid lay unconscious on the front lawn.

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