Fun winter/christmas things you do together

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This is set in a modern time btw because I'd have more to write about


- Will take you around the city/town for hours, looking at Christmas lights. He'd make you hot chocolate and pack a blanket in case you get cold. People rode his ass though because every time showed even the slightest interest in a display, he'd slow down so you'd have time to see it.


- The two of you would bake Christmas cookies together. The two of you would spend all day making different types and packaging them to send out to friends and family. However, you'd keep quite a bit for yourselves. 


- Loves going to coffee shops in the winter to talk/study/just hand out with you over coffee. Then the two of you go window shopping downtown. He'd pretend to go to the bathroom just to get you something though. 


- Definatly a fan of the holiday cleaning, but apart from that, he's the type to enjoy watching a movie under the blankets as the show falls outside. 


- His favorite thing about winter is having an excuse to lay in bed with you after a long day in the cold. The satisfying warmth, not only from the blankets but from his favorite person really tops it off. 


- LOVES snow forts. He would definitely know how to make the biggest, and sturdiest one of all. Sometimes the two of you would spend the entire afternoon in there.


- If it isn't obvious, sledding is for sure his favorite. He loves to drive around with you and find the biggest hill in sight. The two of you would sled for hours, and when you go bored you'd build jumps. After one of you inevitably gets injured, you'd go back and warm up with some coffee/hot chocolate.


- Actually, enjoys putting up lights and decorating. He likes to tackle it right after thanksgiving, and it always ends up being a great display. 


- Loves to go for winter walks right after the snow falls. Not after a few days when it's all slushy, but right as the snow falls. He'd take you with him, and the two of you would be those people who make snow angels after the first few inches. But neither of you cared because you were having fun. 


- Defiantly the type of guy to help you organize a winter bonfire. It'd be late at night, everyone would huddle by the fire and make smores. Kind of get the feeling that he'd like to snowmobile, so that'd probably be involved too.


- Loves to have those aesthetic winter library dates. Even if you're not studying anything. Being surrounded by books as the cold snow fall outside it calming. 


- Loves to have board game nights. Obviously you can do those year round, but it hits different when you have no choice but to stay inside. 


- Kind of a snowshoeing guy not going to lie. Not necessarily the activity, but he likes to take you out in the woods right after a heavy snow to see all the snow-covered trees. 


- Not really a fan of the cold but loves to Iceskate. Seems like the type of girl to grow up ice-skating on the pond, and naturally is really good at it. she'd take you and try to impress you with her skills, regardless of it you can skate or not.


- Likes to go for a competitive snowball fight. While they often end up being too competitive, and someone gets smashed in the face by some ice you still do it every year. At some point the neighborhood kids got involved, so it became a really big thing. 


- The two of you especially love Christmas tree shopping and decorating the tree. Seeing it decked out in all your favorite ornaments every year really sets the mood, and you never get into the holiday spirit unless it's done.

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