When your badly injured

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- Eren would be there every second, questioning everything the doctors did. He didn't want them to do any more harm than good. Eventually they had to drag him out because he was constantly monitoring and hovering, but still, he stayed outside the door and talked to you whenever you needed it. 


- He'd be the type to talk about it. Tell you that you should be more careful. He'd read you stories while you were laid up, and be as respectful as possible so he could stay as long as he could. Armin would be the type of guy to buy you a coffee, and a coffee for each one of the nurses working on you. 


- He'd want to know all the details. But still, this guy would take full advantage of your bedrest. He'd lay next to you and talk all day and night, never leaving your side. He'd get you anything you needed, as long as it meant he could be by your side. When the nurses and doctor tried to drag him out of the bed, he said he wasn't leaving without you and grabbed onto you as they tried to drag him out. 


- Any wounds you had he'd make sure the gauze was always clean. Would make sure all the equipment the medical staff used was sterile. He wouldn't be able to be around much, being such a busy guy, but he'd try to visit you after work everyday, even on late exhausting days. 


- He brought the food, the games, and sat in bed with you constantly. He'd bring Annie and Bertholdt around to so you guys could hang out like you'd normally be doing.


- He'd be worried to say the least, but be there for you regardless. He'd also feel a bit of guilt for not being there for you, but wouldn't dwell on it as all he could do now was be there for you.


- He'd be the one cracking jokes, making you feel like you weren't even hurt. He'd make you laugh so hard you thought you'd reopen whatever wounds you had, but neither of you minded. But in all seriousness, he'd constantly ask you if you were okay, and bring you something every time he got the chance to visit.


- He'd have all of his attention on you. Hange would temporarily take care of his duties. You'd tell him to get back to work, and he would, at your bedside. You'd help with paperwork over tea. People would be in and out of your room since Erwin wouldn't leave.

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