Eren x Reader | One in the same

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(This is kind of bad but enjoy, also I'm out of ideas for oneshots so this is a reminder requests are still open)

Time - Year 845, Shiganshina

Song - You chooses


You stared, even as rubble showered the street. Neighbors, family, friends, they were crushed all the same. It didn't matter their social status, age, or race, because most would die.

"Come on!" Eren yelled, grabbing your small hand in his. The reality had finally sunk in that this was the end. Soon you would be crushed by the jaws of the titan and become an uncleanable bloodstain on the stoned streets.

Even with that, you stayed calm and followed your friend. Eren dragged you down the street, Mikasa following close behind. "Where are we going?" you yelled over the screams of others.

"My house," he yelled back, pulling you even faster. House, that word struck a cord, one that would play in your mind to this very day.

Quickly, you pulled your hand back and ran in the opposite direction. Maybe it was too late. You had been in the market while your family sat at home. The chances that they were still there, or even alive, were next to none, but you had to check.

The two hadn't followed you as they had other things on their mind. You raced down the streets, even closer to the gap in the wall. The titan's flooding is increased by the minute, but you pressed forward.

Finally, the moment came when you turned the corner to your street. You wished you hadn't, you wished you had come sooner, or later, but not then.

Your sister sat in the hands of a titan. It slowly raised her to her mouth as she let out a blood curtailing scream. Her attention turned to you tho, and with her last breaths, she screamed for help.

She screamed for help, for you, for anyone who could hear. You were only ten feet from the titan, and as it closed it's jaws, your sister was crushed between its teeth.

Your small figure was showered in blood. The sound of her bones cracking was fresh in your mind. Her Severed leg twitched as the last ounce of life left it.

You couldn't say a word as your wide-eyed figure stared at the titan. It dropped her lifeless body right in front of you. The titan bent down and reached for you, and all you could do was stare.

That's when you felt a hand wrap around yours once again. Mr. Hanes, the man who guarded the walls, pulled you along. You ran alongside him along with Mikasa as he carried Eren.

It didn't take long for you to assess their situation. They had lost just as much as you. They had lost their home, family, and a small bit of humanity.

(- Year 849)

You stood in line as commander Keith sadis examined the new recruits. Most were unfit and would leave as soon as they could. Then there was the remainder. The ones fit to lead, follow, and command. Those were the ones who stayed, and you were amongst them.

Eren and Mikasa stood a few rows back, and Armin was a few in front. "What is your name, and where are you from?" your commander spit in your face. "(y/n) (l/n) from Shiganshina, sir," you spoke, sure that you had made a good impression.

Your cold eyes stared forward. They weren't the kind that you would pity and look down on. They were the eyes of someone who had lost everything they had and more, and kept on pushing forward.

Shadis walked past you, not giving you a second glance. A small smirk had crossed your face as you had completed one of the many challenges you would face.

(- Later that night)

You quietly left your cabin and headed out. The moon was bright and everything was quiet. No one else was awake, so you were free to do as you pleased.

That's what you thought anyway. You weren't the only one having trouble sleeping. On the other side of the camp, Eren Yeager was doing the same as you.

He crept out of his cabin, not making a sound. You weren't planning on meeting up, so it was a bit of a surprise when you bumped into each other.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" you whisper yelled, grabbing his attention. Eren turned to you with a confused expression on his face. "Me? What are you doing?"

"I couldn't sleep," you muttered, walking forwards. Eren nodded his head, signaling he had the same trouble. Both of you began to walk around the camp haivng nothing else to do.

There was nothing particulary interesting you talked about. It was like nothing, and everything spewed from your mouths as you walked along a dirt path. "Today was eventful," you laughed, thinking back to all the failed introductions.

"Definitely," he chuckled, taking his hands out of his pockets to swing by his side. Yours did the same, and soon, they brushed against each other. You pulled your hand away and tried to hide your embarrassment, but ended up doing the same thing again.

Eren intertwined his fingers with yours, and both of you went silent. You kept pace and continued to walk, without the chatter.

Once you reached the end of the path, he dropped you off at your cabin. "Goodnight," he said, letting go of your hand. You nodded him off and went to open the door.

"Oh, and, I love you," he said, awkwardly digging his foot into the dirt. You stared for a moment before cracking a small smile.

"Love you too, goodnight, Eren,"

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