When you watch a movie together

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- Likes to sit under a blanket. Definitely rests his hand on your thigh or puts his arm around you


- Just watches the damn movie. Will occasionally make a comment but that's it


- Shows up with candy, popcorn, anything really. Makes sure you have a blanket that you of course have to share with him, and probably won't stop making comments throughout the entire thing.


- Also just watches the damn movie. He isn't doing all that shit, except with make popcorn. I'd imagine he's anti storebought pre buttered shit. Will make it from scratch on the stovetop.


- Ends up resting his head on your lap halfway through while you run your fingers through his hair type of shit. Will grab onto your and do anything he can to get his body as close to yours as possible, even if that means laying on top of you. Although is a sucker for an action movie.


- Keeps fucking shifting around on the coach cannot sit still type of movie watcher. Ends up with his legs on your lap, ass between the cushions, and head on the arm.


- Super happy to watch the movie, will sit right next to you but passes out a third of the way through and only wakes up at the end. 


- Just a normal movie watcher. Likes to talk about it after. A lot.


- Always knows what he wants to watch. Loves a romantic comedy.


- Starts like five movies, but always ends it after he doesn't like the first five minutes, so you always end up watching a show instead


- Sci-Fi till they die. 


- Definitely likes the watch classic romance movies


- Hates movies. Thinks they're too long, only watches tv shows.


- Will judge and insult the characters the entire time. She's the type to randomly move her hand up your thigh and be all touchy like that during a movie too.


- Likes to lean her back against you or play with your hair while you rest your head on her lap. But won't talk 


- Likes to hold your hand, will bring all the snacks. Definatly changes into your clothes before the movie starts because she thinks they're comfier, while she gives you a blanket with her perfume.

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