If he had a nightmare

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(This is after a bad dream, like a really bad dream)


- It would probably be about you getting eaten by a titan, or something of the sort. He often had these dreams, and would wake up soundlessly. Eren would walk to get some water, and you'd always show up right beside him. After, he'd either go back to bed with you, or he'd end up crying in your arms, depending on the dream.


- It wasn't often Armin would get nightmares. When it did happen, they were relatively bad, and he'd wake up in a cold sweat. You'd wake up right after, to see him trembling beside you. He wouldn't even try to hide it from you and would try to use you to calm himself down. It always worked.


- Jean actually has nightmares often, but you don't wake up when he does. He's usually quiet about it, but when you do wake up, you try your best to distract him. He's only cried once because of a nightmare.


- When he has one, he's pretty quiet about it. Even though you don't wake up, he turn over and wraps his arms around you, then falls back asleep. In the morning, he tells you about it, because the only time he's every this clingy, is when he's scared he'll lose you. 


- It would be about losing you to the devils. He'd fear you had been found out, and had been locked up. When he'd wake up, he'd be scared half to death and have to make sure you were still there. You'd wake up and comfort him while he buried his head in your shoulder


- His dream would be about Annie and Reiner killing you. With his circumstances, it was bound to happen if he didn't get involved. He'd wake up in a cold sweat and head to wherever you were sleeping to make sure you were alright. You'd wake up and try to assure him you were alright. After, you'd end up going for a walk to help him calm down.


- It would probably be about you turning into a titan just like his mom. He wouldn't wake up from the nightmare, and you would wake up from hearing him cry in his sleep. You'd wake up and hold him as he cried and tried to calm himself down.


- When he has a bad dream, he doesn't really react. He'd wake up in the middle of the night, which he never does. If you woke up to, he would assure you everything was alright. You would know something was up, and try to talk to him about it. You'd listen as he told you about the whole thing. 


- Colt doesn't get nightmares, not bad ones at least. When he does, it's about how when he inherits the beast titan, you'd be all alone when he dies. When that happens, he had doubts about your relationship, and thinks about breaking up with you to not hurt you later. He doesn't cry or scream, but rather stares up at the ceiling with tears in his eyes. You assure him it's fine, and you'll give a whole life time of love in the thirteen years he would have to live.


- He'd act like nothing happened or that you had woken up for nothing. That, or he'd ask for comfort and tell you all about it, not leaving out a single deatil. You'd help comfort him either way, and stay silent while he tried to fall back asleep.

A/N: I'm not ready for Yelena to be animated. I swear, she's my favorite character at the moment.

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