What they get you for Christmas

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OOPS, had it scheduled to post this morning and didn't realize until noon that I hadn't written it yet, but I got it now.


- He got you a shit ton of jewelry. Bracelets, earing, necklaces, you name it, he got it all. 


- Defiantly would get you candles and a new mug. 


- He seems like the type of guy to spoil you with expensive makeup and perfumes, because he thinks you look best when you feel the best. He seems like the type of guy to spoil his girlfriend with anything under the sun. 


- Definitely gets you some skincare or organizers. Not in a mean way, but that's what he'd want so that was his first thought.


- Would buy you new clothes, and definitely something thoughtful like a photo album of the two of you, or a necklace engraved with your names. 


- Doesn't seem like he'd be much of a gift giver, but he'd definitely buy you something based of a current interest or hobby. 


- He'd get you something nice, but then also something the two of you could do together. 


- He'd definitely get you something like a new dress, and surprise you with an expensive dinner that you could wear it too. 


- He'd get you a bunch of small things leading up to Christmas, and then surprise you with a big gift that you absolutely love Christmas morning. 


- His gift to you would definitely be a vacation or some sort of experience. 


- Would get you something that the two of you could enjoy together, and lasts for a long time


- Something small but super meaningful


- Would definitely spoil you. The few months leading up, he'd take note of everything you hinted on liking, and surprise you with it Christmas. 


- She'd joke about how she's all you need as a present, but get you something super special that you had your eye on for forever


- Doesn't seem like much of a gift giver, but would put a lot of thought into it


- Definitely get you anything you wanted. The type of girl to get you anything you want and more. 

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