Zeke yeager catchup!

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how you met

- You met in the middle of the street because you spilled your yogurt all over him.

first impressions

- he thought you were weird and awkward, and you thought he was kind of stuck up

When they realized they had feelings for you

- It just came to his mind out of nowhere

When you started dating

- He asked you out while doing paperwork. You were shocked, but agreed to go on a date anyway

first date

- It was at a coffee shop. More of a study date than anything, but it was still fun wither way

What he loves about you

- Mostly your humor, but your face is pretty great too

your first kiss

- it was kind of out of nowhere, and just happened. There's no better way to describe it. 

ass tits or thighs

- Personality ;D


- Hog monkey

when your badly injured

- He totally babies you, and at time you hate it. You can't even drink water without him looking over your shoulder

when he's badly injured

- The man is a titan shifter, he's self reliant

what do you do when the titans are gone?

- Party!

fun things you do together

- The two of you just like to sit and listen to music. It's a perfect way to bond without words

your couples song

- Light are on by Tom rosenthal

who he's jealous of?

- No one

who your jealous of?

- No one really, he doesn't look at anyone but you

when you wear his clothes

- You don't he keeps them in a lock box

if you were in a coma

- Bad bitches don't go into comas

your pet

- Two beta fish and a whole tank full of sea monkeys

what your kids look like

- Just mini versions of him, all him

If the two of you were stuck in the rain

- he would drown you in a puddle.  jk jk, you would find a tree to stand under, or jsut sit on the sidewalk at watch the rain fall

cuddling positions

- this one's up to you

what is his love language

- gift giving 100%

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