First Impressions

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Eren - He thought that you were brave. You had handled the situation well, and tried to help others, even though your family had been killed, like most others. You had the same impression of him. He was brave, and didn't freak out like most others, and managed to keep his cool.

Armin - He thought that you were smart and compassionate. A good person to have a around and talk to. Right from the start he had this feeling like he could confide in you on anything, and he shared this openly. He admired your strength as well. Not being the strongest in the class, but by far the most observant, he appreciated someone as strong as you sticking around. 

Jean - Jean thought you were hot, along with most other people in your class. You thought that he was kind of weird, the way he'd keep hanging around you and constantly talking, but in the end, you began to warm up to each other. 

Levi - He thought you were dirty, no, not in a sexual way, just dirty. He thought your personality was just fine, but you looked like you had flees, but he thought that about most people. You thought he was rude. Not intentionally, but that was just the way he came off to you, or maybe he really was rude. You were very confused about what to think. The two of you didn't mind working together though.

Reiner - He admired your strength, and just like Bertholdt, he looked up to you. You thought he was weak, but admired the amount he tried. You had no doubt that he would make it to the top, and become a warrior. You ended up helping him with a little extra training, and he was grateful. The both of you actually got to know each other better, and became friends. 

Bertholdt - Bertholdt thought the same as he did everyone, just another warrior. But you kind of grew on him.

Connie - He thought you were a kind and funny person, and he was right. You tried your best to make people laugh and smile, and it worked for him. You thought he was dull and a bit stupid. He couldn't blame you though, he kind of was. You liked his personality though and became his friend. 

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