Chapter 7

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~Day of the battle~
Today was the battle. Angelica and Damon were standing next to each other waiting with the pack for the newborns to arrive.
Angelica outfit

 Angelica outfit

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Soon the newborns showed up

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Soon the newborns showed up. And all hell broke loose. People were fighting. Angelica looked at her dad and mom and nodded. They came out from the trees and fought the newborns. Angelica and Damon fought side by side. Helping others and helping each other.
~Time skip the fight over~
The newborns were dead. No more were alive. Damon and Angelica made sure to look around to make sure. None were left except one who looked afraid. Edward and Bella came from the mountains."the pack need to leave the voltouri won't want a truce with the wolves" Carlisle said. Soon Leah saw a newborn who was smart enough to hide. She went and attacked. "Leah don't" Edward said. Jacob jumped and tackled the newborn. They tumbled around until the new born broke Jacobs ribs. Angelica ran and killed the newborn. She was stronger than a werewolf, a new born vampire even. Hell she was stronger that Klaus. Once she killed the newborn she ran back to see Jacob naked in pain. She ran to the woods and got a pair of shorts and put them on him as fast and gentle as she could. The pack came out. "Jacob you idiot I had it" Leah said guilty. "Leah" Sam said. He kneeled next to Jacob. " the pack has to leave we are not gonna want to fight with the Voltouri" Edward said. "Well take him back to Billy's" Sam said. Then a scream made them look at Angelica and Damon. They were slashed by an arrow. "Hunters" Damon said. Angelica was holding on to her arm in pain. "How did they find us" Angelica said. Then a figure walked out from the woods. "Oh no" Angelica said. It was Elena. "Elena" Damon said. "Are you two okay" Elena asked. A hunter soon showed up. He aimed his bow at Elena and Angelica eyes widened and she moved Elena away and as the arrow was shot she caught it it was inches away from her face. Her eyes changed and you could tell she was pissed. She broke the arrow in half and she ran to him and grabbed the hunter by the neck. "Remember werewolves don't show mercy" Angelica said before she bit him. She was a shifter but a child of the moon as well. Her bite was dangerous. The hunter died. Angelica turned to see the pack leaving. She, Damon and Elena took off with them. The Voltouri would want to see her but she didn't want to see them. When they made it to Billy's Carlisle was here and worked on Jake. Elena and Damon were somewhere. Damon came back. "I'm gonna head back to Mystic Falls. Problems happening back home"Damon said. "That's fine. Tell the gang I said hi" Angelica said. Damon nodded and they shared a hug. "Be careful" Damon said. Angelica nodded. Soon Elena and Damon left to Mystic Falls. Jacob screamed made it scary. Angelica stood next to Leah. Then Bella showed up. "Hey I need..." Bella said but was cut off by Jacob screams. Angelica looked away. "It's been going on for a while." Quill said. "Doc is re breaking his bones" Seth said. Carlisle walked out. "The worst is over he will be alright" Carlisle said. "I gave him some morphine but his body temperature will burn it off. I'll come back to set a drip" Carlisle said. "Thank you" Billy said then held his hand out for Carlisle to shake. Carlisle accepted. He looked at Angelica. "He's asking for you" Carlisle said. Angelica nodded and was about going walk inside. "Why doesnt he want to see me" Bella asked. "Bella let him see her first then you." Carlisle said. "I'm his best friend." Bella said. Angelica didn't want to start so she kept quiet and tried to stay calm not trying to let her werewolf side take control. "Wow you are such a attention seeker Angelica. No one in this pack likes you. They only like you because your the alpha's daughter." Bella said smugly. Carlisle knew about Angelica werewolf side taking control because she talked to him about it. "Bella that's enough" Billy said. "No she needs to know because I'm right aren't I" Bella said. "No your not" Sam said angrily. But before anyone could react or say anything Angelica werewolf side took over her body. Her eyes glowed yellow. Then she grabbed Bella by the neck and pinned her against Billy house. "I risked my ass for your's. You should be thanking me. I fought a army of newborns for you. My family put their live in the line for you. If you never came to Washington this never would have happened. And your lucky I don't kill you right here right now. So don't call me anything" Angelica said. Her werewolf fangs showing. Bella was scared. Everyone was. Carlisle sighed. Bella pushed Angelica limits. Then Angelica closed her eyes and opened and realized what she did. He eyes widened and she looked at everyone. "Angie" Emily sad coming close to her. Angelica shook her head not wanting Emily to get near her. Angelica then took off running but shifting into her wolf form. She ignored the calls of her father. She kept running. She didn't know where she was going but she needed to go somewhere. She thought about running to New Orleans. It would take a while but it's the only place she could go or Mystic Falls. She mad her way to Mystic Falls. Angelica needed space. She didn't have any clothes with her but she remembered that she has some at The Salvatore house. She left some in case she wanted to stay the night. Soon she was out of Washington and on her way to Virginia. The pack searched all over their side. The Cullen's did but Angelica was no where to be found. She was gone. Paul and Embry didn't feel anything. Angelica made sure to put a spell. She learned spells from Bonnie, Freya and Kai. When Jacob heard the news of Bella and Angelica confrontation and Angelica leaving he was pissed at Bella. Yes he still cared for her but she caused his friend to leave. Bella felt guilty. She didn't mean to go that far. Soon they gave up. Angelica was gone. But they hoped she would be back soon.

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