Chapter 4

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Angelica did not know what to say. The fact that The Voltouri know about her and wants her to change to a vampire was a scary thing. But she knew it would have to happen eventually. "Well it was meant to happen to me but not now" Angelica said. "But the Voltouri will come for you" Esme said. "They won't once the find out who is gonna change me in the future" Angelica said. "Who" Sam asked. Angelica sighed. "The Hybrid himself. Niklaus Mikaelson" Angelica said. Gasps were heard." how do you know him" Carlisle asked." maybe because she is friends with my brother" a voice said. They looked and saw Kol Mikaelson." Kol" Angelica said and ran and hugged him. Kol hugged back." I missed you" Kol said." I missed you too" Angelica said. Everyone watched the two in shock. Embry and Paul were shaking with anger. Sam calmed them down." But anyway if The Voltouri wants her to change then they are gonna have to wait" Kol said." your in town for how long" Angelica asked." just tonight. I have to leave. Nik wanted me to give you this" Kol said and pulled out a daylight ring." to make them think you did" Kol said. Angelica smiled and took the ring and put it on." what if they ask questions about my blood diet" Angelica asked. "Say that they can talk to Klaus Mikaelson for that and they will immediately shut up" Kol said. Angelica nodded and hugged Kol once more. Soon he left. Angelica turned around to the people around her. "You heard Kol" Angelica said. The Cullens nodded. "I don't have to change now but I will in the future" Angelica said to the pack. They nodded and Sam held his daughter. Soon the Cullens left. Angelica looked at the daylight ring then she walked to the mirror. An image of her self as a vampire showed up in the mirror. She smiled and sighed and walked away from the mirror to the couch and fell asleep. The pack looked at Angelica sleeping and smiled. But they knew they would have to let her change into a vampire.
~a couple weeks later~
Angelica woke up one next morning and went to take a shower and changed her clothes.
Angelica outfit

 Angelica outfit

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Once she finished changing she went downstairs to see the pack there

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Once she finished changing she went downstairs to see the pack there. "Morning guys" Angelica said. "Morning Angie" The pack said back. Angelica kissed Paul and Embry cheeks. She went to help Emily with making muffins. Jacob went to Forks high to see if Bella was changed since she left with Edward to visit her mother. Soon the sound of a motorcycle was heard. "Are you sure if this is a good idea" Bella said. "I mean I am the vampire girl remember" Bella continued. The boys ran outside. "Hey look who is back" Embry said. "What up Bella" Quill said. "Quill you too" Bella asked. "Yeah finally made the pack" Quill said making the pack laugh. "Glad your here Bella maybe we can get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue" Embry said. "Wish Bella would call" Paul said. "Wish Bella wouldn't call"Jared said. "Maybe I should call Bella." Embry said. "Maybe I should call Bella and hang up" Quill said. "Maybe I should call Bella. Then hang up and call Bella again" Angelica yelled from inside. The boys laughed. " alright shut up now" Jacob said embarrassed. Leah walked out with a scowl on her face. Not at anyone. But the fact he father was dead. She didn't blame Angelica. She blamed Victoria. "Bella this is Leah Clearwater. Harry daughter. Angelica mom" Jacob said. "Hey I'm really sorry about your father" Bella said. "If your here to torture Jacob some more feel free to leave" Leah said then walked to the woods. The pack got quiet. "Fun isn't she" Jacob said. "Bella" Emily said a she walked out. Sam and Angelica right behind her. "Hey" Bella said. "I was wondering when we would see your face around here again" Emily said then hugged Bella. "Yeah same here" Bella said. They pulled away from the hug and Angelica hugged Bella. They pulled away and Sam brought his daughter close to him. "Sam we good" Jacob said. "We're good. She won't be getting through our lines anytime soon" Sam said. The pack cheered. Paul and Embry kissed Angelica cheeks and ran off. "So when did Leah join the pack" Bella asked. "Around the time after Angelica left" Jacob said. "Leah brother Seth also phased. He is the youngest we had. Sam keeps him at home studying." Jacob said. "So Angelica is Sam and Leah daughter right" Bella asked. "She is. Since Sam is alpha she will become alpha when Sam steps down" Jacob said. They talked more and got ready for the bonfire.
Angelica outfit

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