Chapter 12

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Renesmee was growing up fast. Bella and Edward were worried for their daughter. Angelica was sometimes with the Cullen's or with the pack. Today she was with the pack.
Angelica outfit

 Angelica outfit

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She was talking with the pack

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She was talking with the pack. As she was talking her phone rung. "Hello" Angelica said. It was Bella. The Cullen's cousin had saw Renesmee and went to the Voltouri. "Okay thanks Bell. I'll see what I can do" Angelica said. She then hung the phone up. "What happened." Sam asked. "The Cullen's cousin saw Renesmee and now went to The Voltouri saying she was an immortal child" Angelica said. "What are you going to do" Emily asked. "I'm going to New Orleans and Mystic Falls to get some witnesses to convince the Voltouri" Angelica said. She went upstairs and went to get he stuff packed. Once her stuff was packed she put her stuff in the car and closed the trunk and looked at her family. "I know I got back but I don't want my family to die" Angelica said. Sam nodded and hugged his daughter. "I'll be back in a few days" Angelica said. Angelica went to her car and drove to Mystic Falls.
~Time skip~
Once Angelica made it to the Salvatore house. She knocked on the door. Stefan answered the door. "Angelica what's up" Stefan asked. "I need your and the gangs help" Angelica said. Stefan let her in and she saw the whole gang there. "Guys Angelica has a problem" Stefan said. The gang looked at her. "Well guys remember Edward and Bella they have daughter who is a half human half vampire and now The Cullen's cousin went to the Voltouri and said she was an immortal child. She isn't" Angelica said. "They asked you to get help" Caroline asked. "Yeah an as much as I don't want to do this we could be in danger" Angelica said. The gang nodded. "Well help you in anyway we can" Elena said. "But I also have to get the Mikaelsons to help" Angelica said. They nodded. "Let's go pack and we will be in Washington as fast as we can" Damon said. Angelica left the house and got in her car and drove to the Mikaelson mansion in Mystic Falls. Angelica knocked on the Mikaelson mansion door and Hayley opened the door. The two shared a hug. "Come in". Hayley said. Angelica walked in to see her friends and saw little Hope. Hope looked at her. "Auntie Angie" Hope said am ran to her. Angelica picked her up and kissed her cheek . "So what's up" Hayley asked. "Well Bella and Edward have a diaghter who is a half human half vampire. The Cullen's cousin had went to the Voltouri and said she was an immortal even though she isn't"Angelica said. "So Bella am Edward asked you to get us to help" Rebekah asked. "Yeah pretty much. I don't like it either but I don't want my family or friends to die" Angelica said. The Mikaelsons nodded. "When you leave take Hope with you. We don't want people to take her while we are busy packing and getting ready to go to Washington" Hayley said. Angelica nodded. Hayley gave Angelica Hopes stuff and Angelica put Hope in her car seat in her car and drove to Washington. "Alright you ready Hope" Angelica asked. Hope smiled and nodded. "Alright let's go" Angelica said. She was hoping that this was the last battle.

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