Chapter 13

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After being on the road for a couple days Angelica was back home in LA Push Washington. She looked to see Hope looking out the window. She smiled. She would always take care of Hope. Knowing that when people came after Hope Angelica had to kill people. Soon she made it to her house and sighed in relief. "Okay Hope we are gonna meet people. These people are my family. Like my mom and dad and friends and my imprints okay. If they do anything let me know and we will leave I promise" Angelica said. Hope nodded. They got out the car and Angelica got her stuff and Hopes and walked to the house. She knocked on the door and Emily opened it." Your back come in" Emily said helping Angelica with her luggage. Angelica smiled and walked inside holding Hopes hand. The pack looked to see Angelica and a little girl with her." guys this is Hope Mikaelson. My niece. " Angelica said. Hope just hid behind her aunts leg. She waved shyly and Angelica smiled at her. "It's okay Hope" Angelica said. Hope smiled at her and Angelica picked Hope up and looked at her family. "Hi Hope are you hungry" Emily asked. Hope nodded. Angelica got a chair out for Hope and sat her down as Emily gave her some food to eat. Angelica smiled as Hope ate seeing as they were on the road and Hope was extremely hungry. "So her dad and you are friends" Jacob asked. But before Angelica could say something Hope answered for her. "My daddy and mommy always say that Angelica helped my family out a lot. My uncle Kol and here always got into trouble. But she managed to keep me safe from bad people" Hope said. Angelica smiled at her. "That's true me and your uncle Kol would go to bars picking fights and causing chaos" Angelica said making Hope giggle. Sam and Leah smiled at their daughter. She was good with kids. She would be a wonderful mother one day. But what shocked the pack more was how much Angelica has helped people even killing the bad guys who harmed her family. "So you got your friends to come and help us" Paul asked. Angelica nodded. "Yeah and were gonna stop this threat and live a peaceful life. And that's a promise I am making to my family" Angelica said. The pack smiled at her. Paul placed his hand on top of her's and Angelica squeezed his hand. "So hope what do you like to do" Seth asked. "I like to paint, play in the garden and play music and have fun with Aunt Angelica" Hope said. Angelica smirked at her. "Yeah she has Klaus art abilities. And loves to play in the garden and pick flowers either for me, her mother or her aunts" Angelica said. Soon after Hope finisher eating they sat to watch a movie. Hope was sitting in a chair asleep with a blanket over her. Angelica fell asleep as well her father sleeping on top of her dad. Sam secured her so she wouldn't fall. Leah smiled. This reminded he of when Angelica was a baby and Sam would put her on top of him. Emily did as well. Soon everyone fell asleep on the floor or on the couch. This is what Angelica would want peace and to have a happy family.

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