Chapter 5

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Today was Bella graduation. They were having a graduation party at The Cullens house. Jacob, Embry, Quill and Angelica were going to give because Angelica was already invited and Bella invited Jacob. Angelica was in her room getting ready.
Angelica outfit

 Angelica outfit

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After she got ready she went downstairs and got he keys

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After she got ready she went downstairs and got he keys. "Alright I'm leaving" Angelica said. "Be careful" Sam and Leah said. Angelica nodded and got in her car and drove to the Cullen house. Soon she saw a big house. She got out her car and walked inside
She had Bella graduation gift in her hands. As soon as she got there all eyes we're in her. 'Thank you Rebekah' Angelica thought. She saw Bella and went up to her. "Hey" Bella said." Hey congrats on graduating" Angelica said. "Thanks" Bella said. "I got you a gift" Angelica said. Bella opened it and saw it was a necklace. "It's a dragon eye necklace"Angelica said. "Thanks it's so pretty" Bella said. Angelica smiled and went off to talk to people. Even though she already graduated from high school back in Mystic Falls. Her phone began ringing. "Hello" Angelica said. "Angie I miss you" Damon said. "Yeah I miss you too" Angelica said. "Anyway heard there was a graduation party. Am I invited." Damon asked." no Damon I know something bad is gonna happen but I have it under control. I will call you and the gang to come to LA push when I have to be turned into a vampire" Angelica said." alright just wanted to call and check on you. See you. Love you" Damon said." love you too " Angelica said and hung the phone up. She turned around and went back to the party and saw Embry and Quill here with Jacob." what are you there doing here" Angelica asked." Jake got invited to we decided to tag along" Embry said. Angelica nodded. She then saw Alice come down stairs and was pulled into a vision. They went outside and talked about what was going on." this could turn into a blood bath" Carlisle said. "Whose behind it" Edward asked. "I didn't see anyone I recognized. Maybe one" Alice said." I know his face he is a local Riley Biers. He didn't start this" Edward said." well whoever did is staying out of action" Alice said." They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision" Carlisle said." Either way the army is coming here and there aren't enough of us to protect the town" Jasper said." Hold up what damn army" Jacob asked." Newborns our kind" Carlisle said." What are they after" Angelica asked as she was standing next to Embry." They were passing around Bella scent. A red blouse" Alice said." Their after Bella what the hell does this mean" Jacob asked." means an ugly fight with lives lost" Carlisle said. Jacob looked at his packmates who nodded Angelica didn't though but Jacob didn't care." alright were in" Jacob said. "No. You get yourselves killed no way" Bella said. "I wasn't asking for permission" Jacob said. "Edward" Bella said looking at Edward. "It means more protection for you" Edward said. "Angelica do you think your father would come to an understanding" Carlisle asked. "As long as we get to kill some vampires" Jacob said. "Jasper" Carlisle said looking at Jasper. "Well give them the numbers newborns won't know they even exist." Jasper said. They set up a time and place to meet up at. As the 4 wolf pack members left Angelica was pissed. She got in her car and drove to her dad's house. She got there before Jacob did. Once she got inside she walked in and saw the rest of the pack besides Embry, Quill and Jacob. "There is a newborn vampire army coming" Angelica said. "When" Sam asked. "They will be here in four days" Angelica said. "Let me guess Jacob agreed" Jared asked. Angelica nodded. Soon Jacob, Embry and Quill got there. "You agreed to help the Cullens fight against an army" Sam asked. "I had to. We have to protect our tribe. Don't you want to protect your daughter, your fiance, the mother of your child. You want them safe don't you" Jacob asked Sam. Sam thought about it before looking at the three most important people in his life. Angelica, Leah and Emily. He then nodded. "Alright we will fight" Sam said. Jacob told them the time and place they will train. Which was tomorrow. Angelica went to bed and change her clothes and looked at her phone and saw a picture of he friends back home in Mystic Falls. Angelica then turned her phone off and went to sleep. Paul and Embry saw their imprint asleep. They sighed and smiled. They knew she would be safe with them and they would do anything in their power to keep her safe. What Angelica didn't know was a certain vampire was in his way to help.

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