Chapter 2

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Angelica woke up and got in the shower. She used her Rose shampoo and peach body wash. Angelica got into her clothes that she was gonna wear for the day. Sam let the pack have a day off from patrolling but they could come to the pack house. The pack was downstairs chilling. Angelica came downstairs after she changed.
Angelica outfit

 Angelica outfit

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"Morning" Angelica said as she came down the stairs

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"Morning" Angelica said as she came down the stairs. "Morning princess" Sam said as he kissed the side of her head. She sat down on the kitchen table. Emily got her a plate full of eggs, bacon, and waffles. "My favorite. You remembered" Angelica said. Emily smiled." So I was thinking we can have a day together" Sam said to Angelica." yeah sure" Angelica said. After she finished he breakfast both Sam and Angelica had left the house and went into the woods. "Let's walk in our wolf forms" Sam said. Both Angelica and Sam shifted into their wolf form except Angelica shifted into a pup. "Angelica you can shift into a pup" Sam said through the mind link they both only share. "Yeah I can" Angelica said. They both walked in their wolf forms. Angelica hide behind a tree. "Angie" Sam said. "Princess" Sam said. He could hear her giggling. Then Angelica had jumped from out of nowhere and growled at Sam playfully. Sam turned around and saw Angelica. His wolf form laughed. Angelica went in between his legs and nuzzled his head against his legs. Sam use his nose and made Angelica fall on her back. He think nuzzled Angelica head with his. Sam picked Angelica up from her scruff and carried her as he walked to the beach. Then they both shifted into their human forms and walked against the water with Angelica shoes in her hands. "You know it's been awhile since we done this" Sam said. "I know I missed this. I missed you, mom, and Emily" Angelica said." so Embry and Paul are your imprints. " Sam said." and to be fair I may have imprinted on them as well" Angelica said. Sam looked at Angelica looked at her in complete shock. "Well then I didnt think that was possible" Sam said. "I didn't think it was possible either" Angelica said. They talked more and went back to the pack house.
~ A couple weeks later~
Ever since Angelica came back she has spent a lot of her time with Embry and Paul. As was driving back to her house after going to the store for Emily she saw an old orange beat up truck. She grabbed the groceries and walked inside. "Hey Em I came back from the store" Angelica said. "Thank you sweetie" Emily said. Angelica noticed the pale faced girl. "Oh Angelica this is Bella Swan. Bella this is Angelica Uley. Sam and Leah daughter" Jared said. "Hi" Bella said shyly. I smiled. "Hi" Angelica said. Soon Jacob, Paul and Sam came in. Leah and Seth were at home. "Hey princess" Sam said. "Hey dad" Angelica said. Paul wrapped his arms around Angelica and hugged her from behind. Jacob and Bella went on a walk. The rest of the day the pack had enjoyed their day.

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