Chapter 3

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Angelica was in her room reading. Her dad came into the room.
Angelica outfit

"Hey we need to go hunt a red head vampire who keeps coming on our land" Sam said

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"Hey we need to go hunt a red head vampire who keeps coming on our land" Sam said. Angelica got up from her bed and walked out her room. She and Sam walked out the house and shifted into their wolf forms. 'Dad wait. Charlie is hunting us' 'I forgot about that but be careful guys'. Angelica went one way and saw Harry. She stayed out of site. Harry smiled at her. He saw Victoria but before Angelica could do anything Victoria got ahold of Harry. Angelica then jumped out and tackled the Vampire. They both were in a stand battle. Then Victoria ran one way and Angelica right behind her. The chase went on and the wolf pack was right behind Angelica. She was the fastest out of all of them. Angelica was gonna catch Victoria but Victoria jumped into the water and was no where in sight. "Damn it" Angelica said in her mind. "It's okay Angie. You almost had her" Paul said." what about my grandpa is he okay" Angelica said."I'm sorry Angelica he had a heart attack and he didn't make it" Sam said. Angelica wolf whimpered. She saw Bella dive into the water. "Jake Bella just jumped into the water by the cliffs hurry" Angelica said. Angelica shifted into her human form with clothes on. She then jumped into the water. The pack got there after Angelica jumped in. She saw Victoria trying to get to Bella. She then grabbed Bella before Victoria could grab her and swam to the surface. The pack ran to where she was. Jake fell next to Angelica and did CPR on Bella. Then Bella woke up am coughed up water. "You alright" Angelica asked Bella. "Yeah I'm fine. Thank you" Bella said then bugged Angelica which took Angelica by surprise but she hugged back. Angelica helped Bella up and gave her to Jacob. Angelica and the pack went to the Clearwater house. Angelica stopped by the door and broke down. Sue, Emily, Leah and Seth saw her crying and went to comfort her as well as Sam. "Hey it's okay" Sue comforted the young girl. "It's my fault he's gone. She was right there and it happened so fast" Angelica said. "Angelica it's not your fault. You for the best you could. No one blames you" Sam said. Angelica buried her face in her fathers neck and cried. Then Angelica fell asleep. Sam noticed and carried her. "She cried herself to sleep" Leah said. "It's not her fault. Like she said it happened fast and she couldn't do anything about it" Sue said. Sam carried her home and put her on her bed and covered her in her blankets.
~The next morning~
Angelica woke up to the sound of the pack downstairs. She went to take a shower then changed her clothes. She walked down the stairs and everyone looked at her. "Morning guys" Angelica said. "Morning" They said back. "She doesn't know what happened last night" Jared asked. Sam shook his head no. "What" Angelica asked. "Bella ran off to save Edward." Jacob said. Angelica nodded. She sat down at the kitchen table. The pack comforted the girl telling her it was not her fault Harry was gone. Angelica learned that she was not to blame and shook the thought off but it still hurts to know he grandfather was gone.
~a couple days later~
Angelica was in her room reading. She could hear people yelling downstairs. She closed he book and walked downstairs. She saw the Cullen's and the wolf pack going at each other. "What's going on here" Angelica said. Everyone looked at her. Angelica knew the Cullen's before she left. "We need to tell her" Carlisle said. Sam nodded. "Angelica The Voltouri knows about you" Alice said. "What does that mean" Angelica asked. "When Alice showed Aro about Bella being a vampire he also saw you as one as well. The Voltouri wants you to be changed by the time you meet" Edward said.

Twilight: Sam Uley and Leah Clearwater daughter Where stories live. Discover now