Chapter 10

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Angelica was getting Bella ready for her to wake up. Angelica cleaned Bella up. She put Bella in a beautiful dress. Then she brushed Bella hair. Angelica left Bella alone. Angelica went to the room where the others were. She picked Renesme up and held her niece close. Bella was in the room laying on the bed where she laid when Renesme was born. Bella skin was going back to normal. The bite marks on her skin were going away. Her hair was becoming wavy and light color. Then the venom was coursing through her veins and her body. The venom helped Bella back go back to normal. Then Bella chest risen up. Her face went back to normal. Her eye shadow had become a light brown. Her lips turned pink. Then her memories were coming to her. Her memories with Edward. With Jacob. Her daughter birth. Memories with Angelica. Before Bella moved to Forks. As She grew up and became the girl she became. Then when she was a baby. Then she took her last breathe. Her heart stopped beating. Angelica was next to Paul and Embry and holding Renesme. She looked at them and smiled. Then after being asleep for 2 days Bella Cullen was finally awake and now a newborn vampire.

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