Chapter 11

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Angelica outfit

Angelica outfit

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Angelica was standing by the pack with Damon next to her

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Angelica was standing by the pack with Damon next to her. She was holding Renesmee. The two have gotten closer and Edward said that Angelica was her godmother and Damon was her godfather. The pack was grateful that Angelica was back. The fact Angelica herself into a more grown adult and alpha like her father. Bella and Edward had just come back from hunting. Jacob went outside. Angelica had her back facing where Edward, Bella and Jacob were going to come through. Damon was right next to her. "Welcome to the family" Esme said. "You look amazing Bella." Alice said. "Someome had been waiting to meet you" Carlisle said. Bella didn't know who the girl infront of her was. "Angelica" Edward said. She turned around and smiled at Bella holding Renesmee. Angelica handed Renesmee over to her mother. She smiled at the mother daughter interaction. Then Jacob ruined it. Angelica rolled her eyes at him. "Jacob leave her alone she's fine" Angelica said. "What's your problem" Bella asked Jacob. "Uh it's a wolf thing" Jacob said. "What's a wolf thing" Bella said knowing what it was. "You know we have no control over it. And we can't choose who it happens with. But it doesn't mean what you think Bella I promise" Jacob said. "Take Renesmee out of the room" Angelica told Rosalie who nodded. Edward put and hand on Bella shoulder. "Edward don't touch me right now. I don't wanna hurt you" Bella said. Jacob grew scared. Bella grabbed Jacob by the neck and Angelica grew scared for Jacob a little. She went outside with everyone following him. "You imprinted on my daughter" Bella said. "It wasn't his choice" Angelica said. Bella looked at her angrily. "She's a baby" Bella said. "It's not like that you think Edward would let me live if it was" Jacob asked. "Still debating" Edward said. "I have held her once. One time Jacob. And all of a sudden you have some mironic wolf claim on her"Bella said. "She's mine" Bella said pushing Jacob  back. "Jacob" Angelica yelled worriedly. "It's fine Angie" Jacob said. "Your gonna stay way from her"Bella said. "You know I can't do that" Jacob said. Bella pushed him back again. "Stop her Edward" Esme said. "He said it's fine. She's amazing right" Edward said. Angelica eyes glowed yellow. "You remember how much you wanted me around three days ago. That's gone now right" Jacob asked. "Long gone" Bella said. "Because it was her. In the beginning it was Nessie who wanted me there" Jacob said. "Nessie you nicknamed my daughter after the Lochness monster" Bella said angrily. "Before you attack him you better be thinking about what your gonna do" Angelica said. She was standing on top of the stairs. Her eyes yellow as if she was gonna shift. "Or what" Bella said turning around. "Or else your gonna get a werewolf bite that is dangerous. A werewolf bite that can kill you in an instant. A bite that will make you weak and die even if you are a newborn vampire. I'm a hybrid" Angelica said. Bella knew she was right. "Besides if you hurt him you hurt Renesmee. You kill him you kill her as well it's how this works" Angelica said. Bella knew she was right also. She sighed and nodded as she was okay with it. Angelica eyes went back to normal. The pack went home. Angelica walked up the stairs behind the pack but stopped. "Come in" Emily said. Angelica walked inside her house. "Now that I'm a vampire I can just walk in. I have to be able to go inside by the owner of the house" Angelica said." where is Damon" Sam asked." he is staying at the Cullen house" Angelica said. The pack nodded. "It's good to have you home princess" Sam said. Angelica smiled. "It's good to be home" Angelica said. The pack cheered and together they spent the evening together. They played games, talked and laughed.

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