Chapter 6

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Angelica outfit

Angelica walked with her pack to the clearing

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Angelica walked with her pack to the clearing. As the wolves showed themselves Carlisle began to explain everything about newborns an how Jasper had experience with newborns. The pack watched in amusement in their human forms. Then no one expected this to happen. "Well well fighting is not fun without me" a voice said. Everyone turned to the voice and Angelica eyes widened. "Who are you" Rosalie asked. "Damon. Damon Salvatore but I think Angelica knew who I was" Damon said smirking at Angelica. Angelica smirked back and walked up to him and hugged him. Paul and Embry felt a little jealous. "So your here to help" Angelica said as they pulled away from the hug. "Yes besides me and you are partners in crime" Damon said. Angelica smiled and stood next to him. They both watched the Cullen's fight. Soon training was over and everyone went home. Angelica walked with Damon. As the pack and Angelica went inside the house Damon stood outside. "Can't he come in" Leah asked. "Come in" Angelica said. Damon walked in. "You still remember" Damon said. Angelica smiled and sat on the couch. Damon sat on the floor in front of her. "So how did you two meet" Emily asked. "Well we met at the Mystic Falls grill. I was sitting by counter and he joined me and we talked and from that day on we have been best friends" Angelica said. "So your a vampire" Sam asked. Damon nodded. "Yeah but if the Voltouri were to know Angie wasn't a vampire and she made it up its going to cause hell but with me and our friends the Voltouri will just leave and never come back" Damon said. "There not only afraid of him they are afraid of me as well" Angelica said. "Angie and Klaus threatened the Voltouri and Alec fell in love with her and has a huge obsession with her that's why they want her to become a vampire" Damon said. "Yeah but Klaus is gonna change me and I am not going with Alec that's a promise" Angelica said. "You have Bourbon" Damon asked Angelica. "I do" Angelica said. She got up and walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of Bourbon. She picked the cup and bottle up and gave the bottle of Bourbon to Damon while she had the glass. "Thank you" Damon said. The pack watched this in complete shock. "So vampire army how" Damon asked Angelica. "A girl named Bella Sean for herself involved with a vampire" Angelica said. Damon groaned and rolled his eyes. "Humans" Damon muttered drinking the Bourbon. The pack except Jacob smirked at him. They watched movies and hung out all day after that.

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