Chapter 8

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It's been a few months since Angelica left Washington. The pack hasn't heard had any contact information. The Cullen's are the only one's. Angelica apologized to Bella and Bella accepted her apology. So while Angelica was gone she asked Klaus to change her. So he did. And stayed with Damon and Stefan. She changed her appearance. She change her hair color, and sense of style. Her wolf form was a little bigger. Her eye color in he wolf form became yellow like her best friend Hayley. She was in the kitchen of the Salvatore House cooking. As she was cooking Damon came up from behind her and took a piece of the food and smirked. Angelica rolled her eyes. She heard Bella and Edward were getting married. She didn't want to go and she didn't plan on going back for a while. "So Bella and Edward are getting married" Stefan said. "Don't matter I'm not going" Angelica said. "Well I am going"Damon said. "He is just gonna make sure to tell you parents and your friends that you are fine and that you are becoming a vampire for the safety of your family" Stefan said. Angelica nodded and sighed. "Okay go but be careful some of those vampires are not very nice" Angelica said. Damon nodded and went to his room to pack. He packed because the next morning he was leaving to Washington for Bella and Edward wedding and also gonna be staying with The Cullen's. Of course the pack knew he was coming and Angelica wasn't.
~The next day~
Angelica took Damon to the airport. "Be safe. And if anything happens call me an I will be there" Angelica said. Damon nodded. Angelica watched as he left. But she had to go home. She went to The Salvatore boarding house. She said on the couch and watched some Brandon Rogers. (Watch him if you want his content is funny but inappropriate.)
~Time Skip~
Damon landed in Washington and got in his car that he rented. He drove to the Cullen's house. Once he got there he saw that it was decorated with wedding decorations. Damon walked up the stairs and knocked. He saw Alice open the door and smiled and let him in. He smiled back and walked inside. He said hello to everyone and helped decorate. Angelica taught him how to put decorations for a party. The next day was the wedding. Damon decided to go to the pack house. He drove all the way over there. Once he got there he knocked on the door. Emily opened the door and smiled at him. "Damon it's good to see you" Emily said and let him in. The pack said hello to him. "So how is my daughter doing" Sam said. "She's fine. But as soon as she got to where she is, Angie called Klaus and asked him to change her into a vampire. So now she's a vampire. She got control of her hunger and now knows the ways of how a vampire works" Damon said. Sam nodded. Damon got a letter out and gave it to Sam. Sam looked at the letter and back at Damon." she told me to give it to you" Damon said. Sam opened the letter and began to read it out loud.
Dear Dad and the pack
I know you all are probably wondering where I am. I can't tell you. But know I am safe and okay. I guess Damon told you about me being a vampire. And it feels different. I miss you all. So let me say somethings to you all. Emily. I have always considered you my second mom. Not my step mom. You may be but not to me. Mom. Since I came back I  have always tried to make you happy. Everything that happened with Grandpa Harry was sad but I was there for you and I will always be. Jacob. You are my best friend. I'm sorry for what I did to Bella but we are on good terms now. Hopefully you find the one that is right for you. Jared. You are like the annoying older brother I have always wanted. By the way how is Kim? Give her all of my love. Tell her is miss her. Keep her safe while I'm gone. Quill. Ever since we met we have been the dynamic duo. Well not really. But you are my best friend besides Jacob. I miss you Quilly. Seth. Your the youngest we have in the pack. Promise me Seth you are gonna do whatever your heart tells you too. Embry. Promise me you will take care if Jake and slap him if he ever doubts himself. Paul. Where do I even began? I don't know how you and Embry are still holding up with me gone but remember I am coming back. I just need time. I love you and miss you and Embry so much. Also control your anger. Because I know that you are a good person. And last but not least dad. I'm sorry I left. I probably made you upset. But know this I am coming back. I maybe a vampire but if I could go back to you and mom I would. But I can't I need time to control myself. I'm still your princess. There is no one that could change that. Not mom. Not Emily. Not even my imprints. I love you daddy. Always and forever.
Love Angelica Uley
After reading the letter Sam had tears in his eyes. He looked inside the envelope where the letter was and saw there was a picture. It was of Angelica. But with different hair. He smiled and looked closely and saw the necklace he gave her before she left. He showed everyone the picture and they smiled. "She never takes off the necklace. She wears it and hugs it close to her." Damon said. Sam and Leah smiled at him. The pack talked to Damon more. Then Damon left. He had to get read for the wedding tomorrow. He had this feeling that some would happen but didn't listen. But he wondered will it actually happen.

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