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~a few years later~
"Hope come on we have to go" a girl said. Hope Mikaelson nodded and they left running to their house. That girl was Lilian Hayley Uley. The daughter of Angelica Uley and Paul Lahote and Embry Call. After the battle everything was peaceful. The pack was gonna live for a long time as well as their imprints due to immortality that they had that they never knew of. By the time the pack was in their mid 20s they stopped aging. Hope Mikaelson and Lily Uley were 7 years old. Both girls walked inside the house to see the pack. They saw their family and friends. Angelica saw her daughter and he niece and smiled. "When we are gone she is gonna take after us" Paul said. Angelica nodded. "Yeah she is and that wouldn't happen if I never met the two of you" Angelica said kissing Embry and Paul cheek. Everyone was living a peaceful life. Angelica smiled at the thought of happiness. Life has been nothing but crazy but she had to remember she was a Uley after all. Everything was just perfect the way it was supposed to be.
The End.

Thank you so much for ready this story. I might make a sequel to this. The sequel would be about Hope and Lily going to Hogwarts. I might put Renesmee there but I might not because she is Jacobs imprint so Idk. But thank you for ready if you say yes to the sequel I am making make sure to comment until next time I update which will be tomorrow for my stories.

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