Chapter 9

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Today was Bella and Edward's wedding. Damon was getting ready he put his suit and tie on. He looked at himself in the mirror. He sighed and saw how he looked because Angelica would help him with putting his tie on. He smiled and walked out his room and sat in his seat. He had thought the wedding was nice. It was beautiful. Then it would finally the reception. He saw a lot of people and vampires. Other vampires would look at him in complete shock. If Angelica was here she would given them a glare. He wasn't gonna lie he had a crush on Angelica but set that aside because she was the mate of two wolves. Damon had a piece of paper from Angelica because she was gonna say a speech. When it was Damon turn he stood up and walked to the microphone. "Well I am here to talk for Angelica Uley. So Angelica wanted me to congratulate the newly wed couple. She really wanted to be here but she couldn't due to some problems back home she couldn't be here but she just wanted me to congratulate the couple. So congratulations to Edward and Bella and she wanted to wish them the best in life and hopefully she can come see you and congratulate you in person. Thank you" Damon said and people started to clap. Damon sat next to Seth. Seth told Damon everything about how Jacob took off. Soon enough Jacob showed up. Sam told him to go away and now everything was going back to normal or so they thought.
~a couple weeks later~
Soon enough Damon stood in the middle of the Cullen's living room in shock. "So your telling me she's pregnant. She can't get pregnant" Damon said to Jacob and the Cullen's. So as weeks went by Bella came home pregnant. Jacob left the pack. Seth and Leah did as well. Now Bella looked weak. "I know but we didn't expect her to get pregnant." Edward said. Damon sighed. "Alright I'm gonna help you but not alone" Damon said. Damon got his phone and called Angelica. "Angie I need your help you need to come home. Bella pregnant. Your dad and the pack are trying to kill her. Jacob's home safe. Seth and Leah left the pack. So can you come home and help" Damon said." Yeah sure "Angelica said. Damon hung the phone up. Angelica packed up and got in her car and started her drive to Washington.
~A couple days later~
Angelica was finally in Washington. It was night time when she arrived. Angelica was driving as fast as she could when she heard Bella went into labour. She knew her dad was gonna try and kill Bella. Angelica turned on to the road where The Cullen's lived. Angelica unbuckled her seat belt and drove fast. She saw wolves and the Cullen's and Damon standing in a stand off. She saw Emily there too. Her dad must have brought her here. Angelica honked the horn. The wolves looked and moved back. Angelica parked the car in between the two sides. Angelica opened the door. "Dad please stop" Angelica said. Sam eyes widened. He was seeing his daughter for the first time since she left.
Angelica outfit

 Angelica outfit

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Everyone was

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Everyone was. "Please this baby isn't dangerous. She was born when Bella was human if Bella was a vampire when this baby was born then it would have been a different situation. So please stop. The baby isn't dangerous. She is Jacobs imprint an remember we can't hurt other imprints. "Angelica said. Sam realized she was right. The wolves went behind the trees and came back as their selves in human forms. Sam looked at Angelica. Sam and Angelica hugged each other. "I'm sorry daddy. I'm sorry I left" Angelica said. "It's okay your home now. That's all that matters to me" Sam said. Angelica hugged the rest of the pack. Including her imprint. Angelica moved her car. "Can I meet her" Angelica asked. "Of course" Edward said. They walked inside but Angelica and Damon stopped outside. "You guys can come in" Esme said. Damon and Angelica walked in. "Angelica meet Renesme" Edward said. Angelica looked at the tiny baby and smiled. "Hi there" Angelica said. Renesme smiled at her. Now all they had to do was wait for Bella to wake up.

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