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Moon Chaewon was currently in a meeting with the production team from her upcoming action movie. She was intently listening to the discussion when a sudden knock on the door was heard. A staff opened it, revealing the office secretary that was stationed outside the conference room.

"Someone's looking for Kim Jisoo?" The woman stated, looking around the room.Chaewon's brows knitted by the mention of the name.

"That would be me." She answered, standing up from her seat.

"Excuse me for a moment." She smiled apologetically towards the production team and headed outside to take the mysterious call.

"Hello?" Chaewon started.

"Is this Miss Kim Jisoo?"

"Yes. This is her, but I go by the name Moon Chaewon now." Chaewon replied. "What is it?"

"Ah, yes. Uh- this is from Seoul National Hospital. About Mr. Kim Taehyung-"

Chaewon's eyes widen and her lips started to quiver in fear. "He's my fiancé. What about him? Did something happen to him?"

"He's been in an accident. He's in ICU now and he's in critical condition."

Chaewon's world crumbled and she quickly headed to the hospital. By the time that she arrived in front of the ICU where her fiancé was lying at, friends and family were already there and were looking at her sadly. Chaewon didn't even have the time to console the others and went to grab the doorknob, thinking of entering.

Chaewon turned the knob and took a step inside the room. "Tae-"

Even before she could see her beloved fiancé, Chaewon suddenly got enveloped by a very bright light, making her eyes close shut and when she finally opened her eyes, she found herself back into the past- a 17 year old Kim Jisoo.

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