14: Soiled

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"I'm sorry to have called you out this late, Jisoo." Taehyung stated, looking apologetic.

Taehyung and Jisoo sat side by side on the swings at the park near Jisoo's apartment. It was already late at night but Taehyung wanted to talk with Jisoo and decided to drive in the middle of the night. After their visit from the hospital, Jisoo, Jimin and Jungkook went home first, leaving Taehyung to accompany his mother but after his discussion with his mother about their family, Taehyung seemed to be distressed about what has been decided.

"What's wrong? Did something happened with auntie?" Jisoo asked, as she tightened her grip on their joined hands.

Taehyung paused, inhaling. "Mom told me earlier that my grandparents found out about dad cheating on my mom. They were furious and felt remorseful towards my mom since their son was the one who destroyed our family."

Jisoo's eyes widen in worry, knowing from her time about how uptight Taehyung's grandparents were. Taehyung's grandparents from his mother side passed away a long time ago in an accident and they were best friends with Taehyung's father's parents and eventually agreed to marry their children with each other.

"Granpa even took away dad's position in the hospital and demoted him back to being the head of the Surgery Department until further notice. Dad— he was dejected and even wanted to have a talk with mom." Taehyung summed up.

"And? How did it go?" Jisoo urged.

"It never happened." Taehyung said. "I forbid mom from talking with dad. I was afraid that mom would be just forgive him. You know how mom is. She's too soft-hearted."

"Oh, Tae." Jisoo whispered, standing up from her swing.

Jisoo walked towards taehyung who remained sitting on the swing with his head down. Jisoo squatted looking up to meet Taehyung's eyes. She smiled sadly and took his hands again, squeezing them for comfort. Taehyung finally meet Jisoo's eyes and found himself pulling the girl into a hug, his head leaning on her shoulder.

"I know that you know what's the right thing to do, right?" Jisoo exclaimed, caressing Taehyung's hair. "We both know what kind of a woman aunt yejin is. She's compassionate and strong at the same time. I'm sure she'll do the right thing especially for you."

Taehyung didn't answer but Jisoo feel him nodding his head. Jisoo smiled and put her arms around Taehyung, hugging the boy tightly.

The following morning, Jisoo felt awkward walking all alone along the school hallways. Jennie and Lisa were not with her because of their probation. Even Taehyung applied for a leave of absence due to family reasons.

"That's her."

Jisoo's ears perked, hearing her name. She tried turned her head and saw a bunch of girls eyeing her and even looked at her bitterly.

"How can she even show her face here after what happened to her friends?"

"I know right? I mean, she's equally guilty as them if her gangster friends hurt someone because of her. She should be in probation too."

Jisoo looked shock. "What? Are they saying that it was my fault that my friends were in trouble? What the hell? That's just absurd!" Jisoo thought, looking annoyed.

Even before Jisoo could give them her piece of words, someone was already standing in front of the gossiping girls. To Jisoo's shock, it was Seulgi.

"You girls better do your gossips away from the subject's ears, don't you know that? It's common knowledge." Seulgi scoffed. "Now scram." She added and the girls immediately left, looking scared.

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