1: I'm Back to the Past?!!

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"Where am I?" Jisoo's shocked eyes went towards the brawling high school girls around her.

Jisoo didn't even know what to do as she continued to watch the angry girls coming for her but even before they could attack her, 2 familiar girls immediately blocked her enemies, protecting her. The two girls threw their powerful punches towards their attackers like it wasn't a big deal being surround by many.

A blond haired girl turned to look at Jisoo, scanning her for any injuries. "Jisooya, are you okay?" Jisoo's eyes widen upon realizing that the blond girl was Lisa, one of her best friends from high school.

"What happened?" This time, Jisoo turned towards the other girl who she knew to be Jennie, one of her best friends too. "I swear, I'm gonna break their noses." Jennie hissed towards the girls who immediately whimpered in fear.

"Let's fall back." One of the girls shouted and they all started running, leaving Jisoo and her other friends alone inside the gym.

As soon as the three of them were left alone, Jisoo quickly ran towards the Locker room, looking for any mirror.

"Ya! Jisooya!" Jennie called out as she and Lisa went running after her.

Jisoo finally found a full sized mirror and went to face it, only to found herself looking at her 17 year self. "Ahhhh!!!" She screamed.

"What? What is it? What's wrong?" Lisa panicked as she and Jennie stared at her worriedly.

"Why? Why am I like this?" Jisoo started to march back and forth, not minding the fact that her friends were looking at her talking to herself. "I'm went back to the past?!!" Jisoo shouted in misery.


Three figures were crouching behind the bushes. They were currently staring towards the basketball court inside the gym where some high school boys were playing at.

"Jisooya, are you sure you're alright? Maybe you hit you head or something?" Jennie asked, looking at Jisoo worriedly.

"What are we doing exactly?" Lisa seconded, looking uncomfortable. "Why are we hiding here?"

"Shh! Quiet down! They'll hear!" Jisoo shushed.

"Uh— Jisooya, I think even if we quiet down, they'll still notice us." Jennie commented.

"Of course, they will. Since we're crouching out here so openly." Lisa scoffed and stood up abruptly. "You know what? Let's just head inside." She added and pulled Jisoo up.

"What are you doing? I can't do that! He'll see me!" Jisoo protested.

"He? Who are you talking about?" Jennie intervened. "Kim Jisoo. There's something that you're not telling us, huh?" Jennie exclaimed, her hands on her hips.

"I—" Jisoo hesitated, mentally scolding herself.

"Don't tell me—" Lisa's eyes widen in realization, making Jisoo terrified. "There's a guy that you like in there, right?" Lisa stated, earning an awed expression from Jennie.

"Oh my gosh! You do?" Jennie cheered and immediately stood up. "Who?"

Jisoo just chuckled nervously, avoiding their eyes. "I can't exactly tell them that I was looking at my future fiancé, right?" Jisoo thought to herself.

"That's it. We're going in." Lisa smirked and started dragging Jisoo with her towards the indoor court with Jennie just behind them.

As they arrived inside the gym, they were greeted with the cheering of the high school girls who came specially for the most famous group of guys in their school.

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