2: Operation Cupid!

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For Jisoo, Kim Taehyung was like a lifeline. When they met during College, she realized how perfect he was. Kim Taehyung was studying medicine at that time, while Jisoo was in business. They shared some of the classes during their first year and that's when Jisoo found out that they went to the same high school. It was during their third year when Taehyung and Jisoo started dating and when Jisoo finished her college education, she pursue acting by appearing in some commercials and short dramas while Taehyung was finishing up his doctorate degree. By the time they were 28 years old, both became successful in their fields. Taehyung became the youngest chief director of the most prestigious hospital in Korea while Jisoo became a famous actress. The two of them got engaged and were so happy with each other, so just thinking about how the mysterious girl stopped her from appearing in front of her future husband, she just couldn't take it.

"Who the hell are you to stop me?!" Jisoo glared at the cloaked person.

"Trust me, you don't want to take the consequences by changing the past." The mysterious girl said, as she looked kind of intimated with Jisoo's aggressiveness.

Jisoo suddenly had gotten aware about how the girl knew about her secret. "How— how did you know that I'm not from this world?"

The cloaked person suddenly went rigid and took a careful step back, thinking of escaping. Jisoo was quick to grab her cloak and the mysterious girl didn't have a choice but to abandon it, running away immediately.

"Hey! Wait up!" Jisoo called out. "Wait, that's our school uniform." She noted, seeing the girl wearing their school uniform.


"Good morning Taehyung!"

Taehyung smiled upon seeing Tzuyu waving to him. He waited for her to catch up until they were now walking side by side along the sidewalk towards their school.

"Hey, have you noticed anything unusual around you lately?" Taehyung asked.

"Unusual? Like what?" Tzuyu wondered. "Nothing in particular, though." She answered anyway.

"I see. Then, it's nothing. Maybe it was just my imagination yesterday." Taehyung stated.

Taehyung was sure that someone was following them yesterday. He even thought he heard a voice on his way from dropping Tzuyu home but when he looked around, there was nothing.

"By the way, I heard you joined the Music club?" Tzuyu asked, looking excited by the news.

"Yeah. Jungkook made me do it. He said he want to create a band with me." Taehyung chuckled. "It's not like I'm busy anyway so why not." He added. "What about you?"

"Oh, I joined the student council. I heard from Wendy-sunbae that the auditor position was vacant since the original appointed student went overseas to study instead. They said they originally asked you to fill in the position but you told them you already in the Music Club?" Tzuyu giggled as she recalled how the Student council looked dissapointed for not having Taehyung with them.

"They were too late to ask me. The rule was for the Student council members not to have any other clubs. Anyway, it turned out better for them though. Now, they have you." He said, patting Tzuyu on her head.

Tzuyu blushed. "Thanks."


"Are you sure you should just let them be all chummy?" Lisa stated, sounding displeased.

"What are you talking about, Lis?" Jisoo deadpanned, looking uninterested.

"Seriously, Soo?" Jennie gaped. "We thought you like Kim Tae—"

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