13: Holding Out

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"Chaeyoung-ah!" Jisoo called out. "What are you doing there?"

Chaeyoung looked back towards Jisoo. "As what I had told you, Jisoo-ssi. We all have our own choices to make. And this is mine." She stated before one of her feet stepped out from the edge.


Jisoo was quick to run towards Chaeyoung and got a hold of her left wrist. Jisoo grunted by the sudden impact of her ribs to the wall ledge due to the weight but she held it in and kept on gripping Chaeyoung's wrist. Chaeyoung on the other hand was motionless but Jisoo could hear her wailing.

"Someone! Please! Help!" Jisoo shouted.

"Jichu!!!" Jimin's terrified voice echoed.

In the corner of Jisoo's eyes, she saw her childhood friend by her side and Jimin was fast to hold Chaeyoung's arm to steady her weight. Jimin cursed inside his head as he found it difficult to pull Chaeyoung up due to the fact that the wall ledge was too high.

"Chu, let her go." Jimin stated, making Jisoo's eyes widen and she was just about to curse when Jimin quickly rolled his eyes at her. "What I meant was—" Jimin paused as he gripped Chaeyoung's arms more tightly this time. "I'll hold onto her while you call for help. Come on, Chu. We don't have much time."

Jisoo's eyes shook, feeling hesitant but seeing Jimin's determined face, she decided to let go. Jimin was quick to adjust his position in order to hold Chaeyoung more steadily now. Jisoo quickly took out her phone and dialed the ambulance first then she proceeded to call for the school security. By the time that the ambulance came, Chaeyoung got already pulled up with help of the security.

"She fainted?" Jisoo noticed when Chaeyoung was lying unconscious on Jimin's arms.

"Don't worry. She'll be okay." Jimin assured. "We should be thankful that she fainted, making it easier for us in pulling her up."

Jisoo's tears suddenly fell and she couldn't help but cry loudly while holding Chaeyoung's hands. She suddenly got overwhelmed by the thought of seeing her friend die in front of her. Jimin saw how Jisoo's body was shaking incredibly and he felt heartbroken seeing her like that. Jimin's free hand immediately took Jisoo's hand which was grasping Chaeyoung's.

"She'll be alright, Chu." Jimin repeated, wanting to comfort her.

"Hey Tae, I'll just wait for you outside." Jungkook exclaimed as he took some of Taehyung's things with him, helping his friend with his baggage.

"Alright. Thanks." Taehyung nodded and quickly finished packing his remaining stuff.

After packing, he quickly checked his phone wondering why Jisoo hasn't replied to his messages yet. In between breaks during the contest, he didn't forgot about messaging her, asking what she was up to but to his surprise, Jisoo has not replied even once. The last message he received was when she told him that she'll be watching the contest with her other friends but he couldn't find her in the crowd earlier. Taehyung finally decided to just find her at the party ground where the after-party will take place, thinking that Jisoo might be there waiting for him. The both of them talked about spending time together during the after-party and Taehyung couldn't help but smile by the thought of it. He quickly headed for the door but what greeted him was the figure of Tzuyu who looked anxious.

"Hi." Tzuyu squeaked.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked, his face was void of any expression.

"Can we talk?" Tzuyu asked, looking hopeful.

Taehyung flinched. "Sorry. But someone's waiting for me so—"

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