10: For the Worst?!!

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Taehyung was appalled when he saw the girl lying on the cold concrete floor. He noticed Jisoo's disheveled state and what's worse was the fact that she was obviously injured seeing the cast on her arm.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung quickly helped Jisoo on her feet and studied her for any worse injury. "Why are you here?"

Jisoo cleared her throat. "I uh—"

"Jisoo-ssi? Is that really you?" Tzuyu suddenly appeared on Taehyung's side and Jisoo couldn't help but wince a little but not because of the pain coming from her wrist.

"Hi!" Jennie creaked as she came to the rescue with Lisa on her tail. "We heard that they were short in staff, so we uh—"

"We offered to help, that's all." Lisa chimed in.

Jisoo could only nod her head aggressively, wanting them to believe their excuses. Taehyung stared at them suspiciously and then landed his eyes on Jisoo's injury.

"Are you sure? Perhaps Jungkook worked his charm on you, forcing you to help?" Taehyung interrogated.

"Blegh!" Both Lisa and Jennie made revolting expressions, feeling offended while Jisoo immediately shook her head in denial. "Puh-lease! He's not my type." Lisa commented and Jisoo quickly nudged her friend to shut up.

"Anyway, you shouldn't have done it. You're still injured, Jisoo." Taehyung stated strongly.

Jisoo tried not to smile by the way he showed his concern for her and even Lisa and Jennie started to nudge each other meaningfully. Tzuyu on the other hand looked confused since she didn't remember that Taehyung and Jisoo started to become close. Something inside her stirred, making her feel uneasy.

"Come on. We better get out of here first." Taehyung exclaimed. "Don't worry about Jungkook. I'll deal with him later." He added and started leading the way out from the haunted house.


The five of them suddenly heard terrifying scream and they all looked back to see the running figure of Park Jimin who looked terrible with all the sweating on his already pale face.

"Jimin?" Jisoo was dumbfounded to see her childhood friend wailing like a mad man.

"Chichu!!!" Jimin wailed as he came to his knees and grabbed Jisoo's legs in terror. "You have to help me! Those f*cking ghosts are coming after me!" He sobbed.

Jisoo gasped by Jimin's sudden hug around her legs. She tried to lose his grip around her but to no avail. She just rolled her eyes in frustration as Jimin kept bawling. Both Lisa and Jennie couldn't help but snicker at the way Jisoo looked tensed knowing that Taehyung was looking at them thoroughly. Jisoo didn't want Tehyung to misunderstand them so she tried to shake Jimin off of her.

"Yah. Park Jimin." Jisoo hissed.

"Jimin-ssi." To everyone's surprise, Taehyung himself went to grab Jimin's torso and got him away from Jisoo. "You shouldn't make the lady uncomfortable." He added.

Jimin's eyes glared at Taehyung before clearing his throat, being hit by the sudden embarrassment. He then shrugged off Taehyung's hold on him and went to stand close to Jisoo. Jisoo stared at the two guys awkwardly knowing how the atmosphere between them seemed to be heated.

"Taehyung-ah." Tzuyu broke the silence. "Let's get out of here."

Taehyung immediately ignored Jimin and started to walk with Tzuyu. Jisoo quickly followed and so did the others. As they finally got out from the haunted house, Jungkook greeted them with a big smile.

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