11: All Twists and Turns

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Taehyung stood out in front of his mother's hospital room. He straightened himself into a more calm demeanor before finally deciding to enter. Yejin smiled upon seeing her son who looked quite collected after what had happened earlier.

"How are you, dear?" Yejin asked as she reached out to touch her son's wrist and pulling him into sitting on the bed.

"I should be the one asking you that question, mom." Taehyung said, snatching his mother's hand in his and squeezing them gently. "You don't have to worry about my conversation with dad. Just make sure to get plenty of rest. I'll handle the divorce matter for now, okay?"

"How can you? This is between your father and I." Yejin opposed.

"Just trust me, mom." Taehyung insisted. "Just get yourself treated first."

Yejin stared at her son sympathetically and saw how Taehyung looked determined. It was that moment she realized what her son would try to do and she knew that her marriage would not be saved anymore. Truthfully, Yejin herself would not want for her and her husband to suffer in this dead relationship, especially that she knew her life was starting to fade away.

"Alright darling. I'll leave everything to you." Yejin decided.

Taehyung smiled sadly and then hugged his mother. While hugging his mother, he noticed a bouquet of flowers on his mother's side table and the fruits in the basket just beside the flowers. He was sure he didn't bring it and that made Taehyung wonder who visited his mother while he was gone.

"Who came here to visit you mom? Did grandpa and grandma came?" Taehyung asked.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Your friend came by. She was kind enough to keep me company while you were gone. And look! She brought my favorite flowers!" Yejin recalled excitedly.

"My friend?" Taehyung looked confuse and became more curious.

"Yes. Kim Jisoo." Yejin revealed. "I even asked her for a favor to buy me my favorite ice cream but I'm worried since she's still not here."

"Kim Jisoo?" Taehyung was shocked to find that Jisoo came since she was not supposed to know about this. "Mom, I have to go. I'll call grandma to come instead. You'll be alright, right? Your secretary is just outside if you need something."

"Of course, dear. Be careful!" Yejin bid her son goodbye and Taehyung finally left.

Taehyung immediately headed to Jisoo's apartment, thinking about talking with her. He didn't know what came into his mind to just go straight into Jisoo's neighbour hood but he somehow needed someone to talk to. As he walked along the concrete pavement, he noticed something creaking that of a swing and he realized he was about to pass along the park. He was just about to ignore the screeching sound but he saw Jisoo sitting on one of the swings.

"Jisoo?" Taehyung called out and Jisoo's head immediately looked up towards his direction.

Taehyung didn't know what happened exactly at that moment, but Jisoo suddenly stood up very abruptly and quickly ran towards Taehyung. To Taehyung's surprise, Jisoo's arms went around his waist, embracing him.

"Jisoo? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked worriedly and he realized that Jisoo started crying. "Hey, what's going on with you? Are you hurt?" He asked nervously.

Jisoo wailed like there's no tomorrow and Taehyung himself wanted to cry too as he recalled all the things that had happened to him earlier that day. Taehyung could feel tears swelling on the corner of his eyes and all he could do was burry his head onto Jisoo's neck and held her tightly into his arms.

"I— I'm so sorry Taehyung!" Jisoo cried out. "I am so sorry. It's all my fault." Jisoo continued hysterically as she kept on crying into Taehyung's embrace.

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