4: His First Love?!!

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It's the weekend and it was Jisoo's worst day just yet as she was told to babysit her six-year old brother. Haruto was Jisoo's half brother from her mom's second husband and the boy adored her as he was the one who convinced his parents to let him spend the way with his noona. Jisoo decided to just go to the mall and let her brother play at a kid's cafe.

"Ruto-ya, you stay here and play okay? Noona will be at the bookstore just beside this cafe." Jisoo exclaimed, kneeling in front of the boy to make eye contact with him.

Haruto frowned a little but decided to just let his sister have some time alone. "Alright, but you have to come back soon, okay noona?" Haruto pouted, making Jisoo smile.

Jisoo ruffled the boy's hair. "I'll be back soon."

Jisoo wanted to go and check out the Treasure Cafe, a bookstore that Taehyung frequents as what he had told her during college. Jisoo smiled as she remembered the time Taehyung brought her there. Jisoo entered the bookstore and walked along the aisle, feeling nostalgic. She then decided to spend her time there, and so she took out a book to read and went towards the mini cafe inside the bookstore and ordered some cookies and drinks. Jisoo also decided to buy some more cookies for her brother. The cashier wrapped the cookies in a small box and put it inside the big paper bag. Jisoo scanned the room and found the same spot that she and Taehyung usually sits and was just about to go there but Taehyung's figure suddenly appeared there, sitting there with a book in his hand.

"Oh my gosh!" Jisoo squealed silently as she felt herself getting nervous. "He must be here to read." Jisoo said as she went to sit behind Taehyung's chair and made sure he didn't notice.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Jisoo jumped a little on her seat when Taehyung's phone suddenly rang. Jisoo sneaked a peek and saw Taehyung taking out his phone. Jisoo's face fell when his face suddenly turned brightly upon seeing the name of the caller. Jisoo wondered who it was and kept biting her lower lip in frustration.

"Hey." Taehyung picked up the call. "Me? I'm at Treasure Cafe. I was just about to call you."

Jisoo fidgeted on her seat as she tried to lean back further just to hear more. Taehyung was unaware of the person behind him as he continued to talk to the other person on the phone.

"I'll come visit you today, of course. Is that even a question?" Taehyung chuckled. "Okay, okay. I'll be sure to buy your favorite cookies and cream ice cream." He continued.

Jisoo was too annoyed to even care that people started to stare at the way she pouted and leaned back on her chair. She didn't even care that her chair was already on the verge of falling behind. She kept on listening as Taehyung kept talking sweetly on his phone and she didn't even realize that her chair already fell backward, hitting Taehyung's chair in the process.

"Aishh." Jisoo cursed and immediately covered her face with the book she had.

"Uh— are you alright?" Taehyung asked as he turned to see the person who fell on her chair.

Jisoo kept hiding her face. "I'm fine." Jisoo made sure to make her voice deeper for him not to recognize her.

Jisoo quickly stood up and gathered her things clumsily and left the store. Jisoo was finally able to breathe when she was out of sight from Taehyung. She cursed herself out, thinking of how embarrassing she was. She thought that it was a good thing that she hid her face from him even before he turned to look at her.

"I wonder who called that made him so happy." Jisoo whispered, looking sad.

Jisoo couldn't help but think that maybe it was Tzuyu who called. It bothered her so much that Taehyung's first love might not be her. She suddenly remembered one time she asked him who his first love during one of their dates and Taehyung just avoided the question.

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