8: Other Side of Him

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"Why are you guys together?"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, as he saw the displeased look coming from the other guy. He could definitely tell that Jimin felt something special for Jisoo since he couldn't hide the fact that he was staring daggers towards him with Jisoo on his back.

"Jisoo fell asleep. She was very tired, I guess." Taehyung informed to clear the misunderstanding. "I couldn't exactly let her go home alone in this time of the night."

"Well, thanks." Jimmy deadpanned. "I'll take care of her from here." Jimin stated and started to move to carry jisoo himself.

Seeing this, Taehyung unconsciously took a step back, avoiding Jimin's attempt to get Jisoo from him. "You don't expect me to just let you do that, do you? I mean, how can I be sure that you don't have any more intention towards her?"

Jimin balled his fist. "Well, bullsh*t." Jimin cursed. "Jisoo and I are childhood friends. Our parents are best friends and even considers themselves as sisters. So, how should we do this, Mr. Smartypants. Should I call auntie Hyesun?" Jimin hissed, looking pissed.

Taehyung smiled bitterly. "I have a better solution." He added and them looked back towards Jisoo and started waking her. "Jisoo. Hey, wake up. We've arrive."

"Hey—" Jimin was aghast.

Jisoo stirred and finally opened her eyes only to find herself being carried by Taehyung on his back. Jisoo quickly redden and jumped down from his back, feeling embarrassed.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry Taehyung." Jisoo apologized.

Taehyung finally smiled warmly. "It's alright. I should be the one to apologized since I waked you up. I'm sure you were very tired."

"Oh no. You shouldn't be. I'm just thankful for all the things you did until now." Jisoo smiled, feeling giddy. "If it's not that late, I could have invited you in for something to eat—"

"Yah! How can you?" Jimin interrupted.

"Park Jimin?" Jisoo looked confused. "What are you doing here?"

Jimin pouted and just left them right after. "What's wrong with him?" Jisoo just rolled her eyes at him and then turned to face Taehyung again.

"Are you two that close?" Taehyung suddenly asked, making jisoo a little surprised. "I heard that you parents are close." Taehyung added and then suddenly realized his question may have been too personal. "I'm sorry. You don't have to answer—"

"We're friends. That's all. We're basically like siblings. We fight all the time but cares for each other's well being. If he had said something rude, I hope you'll forgive him." Jisoo chuckled.

Taehyung smirked hearing her answer and for some reason, he felt relieve. "You should go inside now. It's cold out here." He said and put his sweatshirt on her head gently.

Jisoo felt moved. "This—"

"Just give it back next time. Now, go. I should at least see you go back inside your door." Taehyung smiled warmly and Jisoo just nodded and finally went into her apartment in a daze.

It's the first day of School festival and Jisoo couldn't even enjoy it. She was cramming to memorize the steps of the dance for the opening and she was sure she would make a fool of herself later. Jisoo thought about talking with their seniors in order to convince them about having Seulgi back into the line up instead.

"Mina-yah. Are you really going to let that Kim Jisoo ruin our show?"

Hearing the familiar name, Jisoo looked down from 2nd floor window and saw her seniors from the dance club talking with each other. They were huddled around near the school field where most of the activities were being held.

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