6: Something New for a Change

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"Alright. Let's be friends."

Jisoo pinched her own cheeks until it hurt. "Ugh! I can't believe I just agreed to be friends with my love rival." Jisoo sighed as she stared at the ceiling above.

Jisoo was lazily lying on her bed during the weekend. She was feeling depressed after the long school week with all the hard practice during club and the sad times when all she can only do was stare at the way Tzuyu and Taehyung get closer.

"I need to get out of here. Maybe some fresh air will clear out my mind." Jisoo decided and went to change clothes.

Jisoo wore a simple striped shirt and paired it with a denim jumper. She styled her hair into a pair of buns. She made sure to lock her door before leaving her apartment. Jisoo decided to swing by a convenience store to buy some food to eat.

"Oh? Isn't that Chae?" Jisoo focused on the girl paying at the cashier.

Jisoo quickly hid from her and secretly followed the girl, forgetting to buy her food. Jisoo saw Chaeyoung entering a cramped alleyway and walking up the hill road up ahead. Jisoo was shocked to know that Chaeyoung lived near her apartment. Jisoo thought about leaving but she saw Chaeyoung leaving her small home in a hurry.

"I forgot to buy some eggs, granny! I'll be right back!" Chaeyoung shouted and ran to buy somewhere.

Jisoo took her opportunity to take a closer look of Chaeyoung's house. It was a decent house and looked warm with a familial scent coming from the inside of the gate. She unknowingly felt jealous about someone having a family that actually cares.

"Can I help you, dear?" Jisoo got surprised by an old woman staring at her from across the gate. "Are you lost?"

"Oh! Good morning ma'am." Jisoo bowed. "I'm Jisoo. Chaeyoung's friend." She introduced.

The old woman looked delighted and immediately opened the gate for Jisoo to enter. "Come on in! Rosie went to buy some eggs, but she'll be right back."

"Thank you ma'am." Jisoo smiled. "Is Rosie Chaeyoung's nickname?"

"Just call me granny." The old woman stated. "And yes, I call my grand daughter Rosie since she's like a precious flower to me." She added, making Jisoo smile warmly.

By the time that Chaeyoung got back, she couldn't stop gawking at Jisoo who found herself feeling at home. She was eating the ramyeon that her grandmother had prepared for the both of them to eat.

"Jisoo's tummy was already growling so I just cooked the ramyeon without the eggs. Come on in and have your meal." Granny stated.

"Hey, Chae! I came to hang out." Jisoo grinned innocently.

After the awkward but warm breakfast, Chaeyoung told her granny that she and Jisoo would hangout together somewhere else. Jisoo knew that Chaeyoung would just tell her off when they're left alone together.

"I know, I know. I shouldn't have just barged inside your house like that." Jisoo pouted, as she broke the tension between them.

"Then why are you doing this to me?" Chaeyoung said, her expression void of any expression.

"Because I just realized something." Jisoo answered as Chaeyoung remained silent. "I don't remember you in the past." Jisoo continued.

Chaeyoung froze but quickly recovered her composure. "What are you talking about?"

"I knew that something's odd about you. And I don't remember a Park Chaeyoung in our year. I remember the time when I found Taehyung's high school graduation book. I scanned the list of the names in our year and I was sure that I didn't read about you."

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