End: All in the Past

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"Jisooya!!!" Lisa and jennie shouted excitedly as they ran towards Jisoo, embracing the girl.

"We missed you so so much!" Jennie sobbed.

"Yah. It's not even a week that you guys got into probation." Jimin scowled.

Jennie glared. "Tsk. You're such a mood killer, you know."

"Heartless! Isn't he, Chaeyoungie?" Lisa complained to the quiet girl, wanting to tease Jimin. That's why, you should find someone who's caring, Chaeng. Unlike him." She smirked.

"Yah! What's wrong with me?" Jimin paused, composing himself. "It's— it's not like I have any concerns about— uhm, her preferences in men." Jimin stuttered.

Chaeyoung giggled. "By the way, what happened with Tzuyu and the others?" She asked, feeling concerned. "After the interrogations, the teachers didn't updated me at all."

"Really? I was just about to ask you about it too." Jisoo stated.

The five of them were walking along the side walk to school and were busy conversing when Jungkook suddenly appeared beside Jisoo.

"That— I can tell you." Jungkook exclaimed, grinning. "Welcome back, Lis." He greeted, looking at Lisa behind him.

"Uh— I'm here too, you know. I came back to school just like Lisa." Jennie pointed out.

Jungkook cleared his throat. "Of course, you are. Welcome back, Jen." He added.

"So, what about Tzuyu?" Jisoo asked again.

"Tzuyu and the rest who got involved in the bullying controversy was suspended for about half a month. Since Tzuyu never had hurt anyone and Chaeyoung deciding about forgiving her bullies, it was decided to just gave them that punishment." Jungkook answered.

"Really? How nice of you Chaeyoung!" Jennie acknowledged. "If it were me, I would never forgive them." She concluded.

"I would even take my revenge!" Lisa added.

"Yah." Jisoo nagged, making the two girls pout.

"But I heard that Tzuyu decided to transfer school." Jungkook continued, making the rest shock. "Dahyun told me that they'll be leaving for the US today."

"So that's why Taehyung will skip today's class?" Jimin asked Jisoo in particular.

"Yes and No." Jisoo answered. "Well, it's kind of complicated and it concerns his family so—"

Taehyung was sitting inside a cafe waiting for someone. When the door bell rung, his head quickly followed the sound towards the entrance door and saw his father. He waved his hand and his father quickly spotted him.

"Please take a seat, dad. What would you like to drink?" Taehyung asked and was about to get up but his father hands caught his, pulling him back to his seat.

"Let's talk first." Taepyung stated and Taehyung nodded his head. "First, I wanted to say sorry for all the trouble— no. For all the pain that I have caused our family. I know I'm a failure as a father and a husband. I am well aware of my mistakes and I know I couldn't take it back anymore." Taepyung started. "I will be leaving."

Taehyung flinch a little, not expecting the news. "Let me guess. You're going to follow aunt Yeon Seo to the US?" Taehyung asked bitterly but tried to hide it.

Taepyung didn't answer at first but decided to tell everything that has been decided by him and Taehyung's mom. "I still love your mom and wanted her back into my life. But sadly, he chose you." Taepyung said, making Taehyung confused. "Yejin— your mom said that she doesn't want to give you false hope about a perfect family anymore. She said that if she'll accept me back into her life, she will only lose herself and eventually will hurt you. She knew how much you love her and if she'll get hurt, your will get hurt too. That's why she decided to not accept me again in her life. She wanted to find happiness by herself and she wished for me to do the same."

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