9: It's Haunting Time!

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"I want to stay here with you." Taehyung whispered, smiling.

Taehyung was feeling playful as he saw how Jisoo went silent. But the fun and teasing suddenly stopped when his eyes landed on Jisoo's face, from her eyes down to her heart-shaped lips. Without him noticing, he started leaning towards Jisoo only to be smacked on his head instead.

"Ow." Taehyung flinched by the sudden force. "Why did you do that for?" Taehyung asked, massaging his hurt head.

"You should be going by now!" Jisoo scolded and was finally able to push Taehyung out from the infirmary, leaving her alone inside it and feeling overwhelmed. "What was that just now? Did he just— I mean, he wouldn't have kissed me, right?"

Jisoo felt her knees buckle just by thinking about it and she just slumped against the door. As she daydream happily, she suddenly got reminded as to why Taehyung was in there in the first place and the worst part was getting caught smoking. It wasn't like him to risk getting caught in the very first place and that made Jisoo to be more curious.

"Just what is his problem exactly?" Jisoo asked to herself.

Jisoo suddenly remembered that time when she saw Taehyung acting out of his usual self and it was during the divorce between his parents when they were in their 2nd year of relationship. Jisoo thought that it would be unlikely to happen during this time since they were still in high school and it would not happen till they reach Jisoo's last year of college days.

Taehyung bumped his head on the backstage wall as the image of him almost kissing Jisoo came into his memory. He didn't even intended for it to happen. He became worried of what Jisoo might probably think of him now and might even think of him badly.

"Yah! It's our turn! Seriously dude. Where have you been? I was scared that you might have ditched us or something." Jungkook said and Taehyung just smiled awkwardly feeling guilty about thinking doing the exact same thing just awhile ago if Jisoo didn't show up.

Taehyung played the piano in their band performance. They were the last club to perform during the opening ceremony and the whole stadium was filled with the noisy cheering by the fangirls and fanboys alike. After the successful opening, everyone started to get ready for their own class presentation. As for Taehyung, he decided to head for some place more quiet in order to gather himself together. In the last few days, Taehyung felt restless as he has a feeling that his mother was hiding something from him but she obviously didn't want him to know about it. Taehyung on the other hand wanted to know in order to help but his mother kept brushing him off.


Taehyung was currently at the school garden where small animals were being kept and taken care of. As he was feeding a small rabbit, Tzuyu's voice came out from behind him and when he looked up, he saw her standing there, looking sad.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung immediately took back the rabbit into his cage and came near tzuyu. "Did something happen?" Taehyung seed again, looking worried.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung." Tzuyu suddenly blurted out, making Taehyung confuse. "I know I've been odd to you lately and I'm sorry."

Taehyung smiled, looking relieved. "You're finally telling me about it. This last few days, I've been meaning to ask you the reason behind it but I decided to wait for you to tell me yourself." He finished, looking ready to listen.

Tzuyu looked hesitant before telling him a different truth. "It's because I have feelings for you, Taehyung." She revealed and Taehyung looked surprised by it. "I know you already have a girlfriend so don't worry. I'll make sure to keep my own feelings all to myself."

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