7: Caught Right-Handed!

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Tzuyu and the rest of the Student Council were busy preparing for the upcoming School festival next week. Tzuyu was carrying a stacked boxes full of decorations when her arms suddenly felt light.

"Let me carry that for you." Taehyung appeared by her side, carrying the load himself. "Where's Namjoon-sunbae anyway? He shouldn't have let the girls carry such heavy things." Taehyung shook his head in disappointment.

"Yah. Just because Namjoon-sunbae is the Student Council President, it doesn't mean he lets me do such small things." Tzuyu laughed. "This is nothing compared to the other sunbaes who was assigned to more difficult tasks."

"Then I'll help you." Taehyung said, smiling.

Tzuyu found herself blushing but then remembered about him having a girlfriend. Tzuyu's mood suddenly went down and it didn't escape from Taehyung's eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" Taehyung asked worriedly as his free hand reach out to touch her forehead. "Maybe you should just go home early today. I heard your mom finally came back home from her overseas trip." Taehyung suggested.

"Oh? How did you know?" Tzuyu asked, looking surprised.

"Our house helper told me my dad arrived yesterday." Taehyung answered, looking bitter.

"Are you still in bad terms with your father? You really have to make up with him." Tzuyu exclaimed, staring at him sadly but Taehyung just smiled, hiding his true feelings for his father.

Tzuyu decided to head home early, thinking that she would spend some quality time with her mom. Ever since Tzuyu's parents got divorced, Tzuyu's mom, Oh Yeon-seo decided for them to move back to Korea. The first months were indeed difficult times for them but after meeting with Taehyung's family, their life started to come into place. Oh Yeon-soo started working with Kim Taepyung, Taehyung's father's hospital.

"Mom! I'm home!" Tzuyu called.

"Perfect timing." Yeon-soo appeared wearing a fancy dress. "You should get ready too."

"Huh? What's going on? Are we going somewhere?" Tzuyu asked.

"We're having dinner with Director Kim and his son later this evening." Her mother answered and somehow, Tzuyu liked the idea and immediately prepared herself.

When Tzuyu and her mom arrived by the huge entrance of the mansion, Tzuyu immediately felt overwhelmed of how rich and successful their family was. The fact that they own one of the biggest hospitals in Korea, Taehyung's mom, Son Yejin was the sole heir of the famous TEUME Entertainment, one of the biggest entertainment Company in Korea. But after the news of Taehyung's mother being ill and has to stay in the hospital for treatment, the company was entrusted back to her parents until she recovers or maybe until Taehyung would decide to manage it himself.

"Good evening uncle Taepyung." Tzuyu greeted.
"Oh, is that you, Tzu? Look at you, all grown up!" Taepyung exclaimed. "Please, come on in."

"Where's Taehyung?" Yeon-soo asked after noticing that he was not present during the greetings. "I thought he'll be joining us."

"Oh, he will. He uh— he just need more time to prepare that's all." Taepyung answered.

"Come on, mom. It's not like Taehyung has a lot of free time. I'm sure he must have come home late after all the preparations for the school festival." Tzuyu defended.

"Of course, dear." Yeon-soo chuckled.

Just when they settled onto their seats, Taehyung finally arrived wearing a formal attire. His face was void of any emotions but he somehow managed to greet their visitors respectfully.

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