5: Friends or Rivals?

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After days of resting, Jisoo was finally able to go back to school as usual. She was informed that the dance club started to practice some dance routines for their presentation in the upcoming School Festival. So Jisoo decided to double her efforts practicing.

"Okay girls, listen up." Mina, the club president started and all the members focused on her. "Since some of you are behind practice, I'll pair you to the one of the best and old members in the club." Mina said, eyeing Jisoo in particular.

"Is it just me, or the president seemed to be more tough on me?" Jisoo whispered towards her friends. "I thought something feels off when Mina-sunbae treats me compared to you guys." She pouted, earning some chuckle from Jennie and Lisa.

"Aww.. Our Soo feels lonely?" Jennie commented, giving Jisoo a pinch on her cheeks. "It's alright Soo, we'll help you practice."

"Yeah. Maybe that's why Mina-sunbae is rough towards you since you missed practice lately." Lisa seconded. "Don't worry, we're quite the dancers so we're going to teach you the routines."

"Kim Jisoo!" Mina's stern and cold voice suddenly came, interrupting them. "You'll be paired with Seulgi." She finished, making the three friends scowl.

"Sunbae—" Jennie was about to protest, wanting to be the one to be partnered with Jisoo.

Jisoo quickly held Jennie back after seeing the grim face from their sunbae. "Alright, sunbae." Jisoo answered quickly, making her friends frown even more.

"Yah, Jisooya. Did you forget about what Seulgi did to you awhile back?" Lisa recalled. "We can't let you be alone with her."

"But—" Even before Jisoo could convince her friends, Seulgi's disagreement with the club president was heard. "Hmm. I guess we're not the only one who's against this idea."

"Sunbae, I can't practice with her. I don't want to." Seulgi insisted.

"Seulgi, darling. You told us that you're one of the best dancers here. Then prove it. Are you really going to disappoint me?" Mina's cold stare gave Seulgi a chill in her bones. "Now shoo."

Seulgi's grim face visible and Jisoo suddenly felt bad for her. It felt like she would just be a burden for her and what's worse was Mina seemed to be in heat with her and would seemed like she would be dragging Seulgi with her.

"I'm sorry about this, Seugi." Jisoo was the first one to approach. "But I promised to work harder. I'll practice everyday, so please take good care of me until then." Jisoo tried to smile, extending her hand for Seulgi to shake.

"Aish." Seulgi just glared at Jisoo and left.

And so, Jisoo found herself practicing by herself. She was able to learn some of the routines thanks to Jennie and Lisa but they needed to go home early and Jisoo decided to practice some more. Jisoo was not alone in the practice room. Some students were still there, most probably were waiting for Taehyung and his friends.

"They're coming!"


"Omo, Jungkook-ah. Why taehyung isn't with you?"

Jisoo's ears perked up after hearing Taehyung's name. She turned her head towards the door and sure enough, Taehyung was not with his best friend.

"Oh? But he said he'd go home earlier. Maybe you girls didn't notice him passing by?" Jungkook answered.

"Aww. I thought he'd be with you though."

"Ya. Are you really disappointed? But I'm here though."

Jisoo rolled her eyes by Jungkook's reply. She suddenly remember when Taehyung introduced him to her during college. Jungkook was in the same department with Jisoo and they became quite closer after Taehyung introduced them to each other. Jisoo thought that Jungkook was too confident about himself and was too full of himself but behind Jungkook's overconfidence was a worrywart and a clumsy person.

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