Chapter 3 🌟

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Finally a Haruki centered chapter! However we don't get Haruki's POV, I'm saving that for later on in the story when shit rlly goes down LMAO

Omg Also^ Above is the color of Haruki's crystal style!

••Third Person POV••

In tow of recent events, Shikadai, Boruto, and Mitsuki all formed a sort of crime-fighting alliance. Well, a ghost fighting alliance would be the better way to put it.

With Boruto being the only person who could visibly see the odd effects of this 'ghost', Shikadai being right by his side through it all, and Mitsuki being suspiciously compliant with all of the blond boy's actions, the three boys dedicated their free time to figure out just what was going on.

Just like they are right now, Boruto, Mitsuki, and Shikadai were all together on top of a bridge overlooking the lower parts of Konoha, formulating their plan on how to capture the 'ghost' that had been causing havoc within the academy.

It was lunchtime, so the three boys found themselves hanging out together to try and stop this 'ghost' before the seventh Hokage, Naruto could. More like it was Boruto who was pushing that narrative.

As they stood around waiting for the next ghost attack, they all started talking about their classmates. Mitsuki was curious, asking questions about certain kids and Boruto was none the wiser, answering without any qualms.

Shikadai was a bit reserved about spewing details about his classmates to Mitsuki though, he still didn't know just how much Mitsuki could be trusted.

"So, Runa and Haruki are twins?" Mitsuki asked, turning to the blonde boy curiously.

"Huh? Yeah, they are." Boruto responded, turning to Mitsuki as well.

"They must be very similar then." Mitsuki baited, hoping Boruto would go on to speak more of the girls.

The more intel he had, the better.

Luckily for Mitsuki, Boruto had no issues sharing his thoughts and opinions of the two girls he's known since forever ago.

"Runa and Haruki are totally different! Runa is much more of a fighter, and she's insufferable, Haruki is way nicer and doesn't like fighting all that much." Boruto claimed confidently.

"Haruki's the one with white hair right? What makes you say that?"

Mitsuki was intrigued, he sensed both of the girl's chakra already and to his understanding, Haruki was the one with a far more threatening aura.

To hear that she wasn't one for fighting was...intriguing, to say the least.

"Ever since we were little, Haruki wasn't into playing ninja with the rest of us and we would all play outside without her," Shikadai explained, placing a fingertip on his chin as he reminisced over their past

"Oh, that's right! She was always inside with our moms, playing with those stuffed toys." Boruto agreed, also remembering how the white-haired Uchiha never really joined in their roughhousing, unlike Runa who exploited every opportunity possible to try and beat Boruto.

"I see, so Haruki doesn't like fighting?"

"No, she avoids it like the plague and gets really nervous about it sometimes. Remember that one time Runa tried forcing her outside to hang out with the rest of us?" Shikadai asked, turning to Boruto.

Boruto nodded, already knowing the incident his friend was speaking of.

••Boruto's flashback••

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