Chapter 21 🌟

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A/N: Hello my lovelies! You may wanna read the most previous chapters to refresh! So much happens in this chapter, it'll be helpful to rewind a bit!

Chapter warnings: Dysfunctional sibling relationship, unreciprocated familial love, The chapter goes from 0 to 100 you might get whiplash. It gets dark in the second half, please, like all angst 0 fluff type of dark. If you thought Katsuro was trying to be good for his siblings pls rethink that before reading, You might be really angry with Katsuro after this? LOL

Word Count: 10.3k!


Recap: "Well, that was a whole lot of information huh? Do you have any questions for me now?" Luna asks with a small smile, glancing between my dark eyes that have lowered themselves to the ground in thought.

Think think think, there's an overload of info going on in my head right now, what should I possibly ask first?!

I can see dead people, travel between realms, I have a new summoning, new abilities, I just learned about my ancestor Kaguya,- Wait, I know!

There's one person I've always wanted to meet. One person who could answer so many questions, quench so many curiosities, and just help me understand my own family.

Ironically, my grandmothers could only help so much, there's one other person in my blood who knows more than even they do!

"Grandma, you said I could talk to anybody right? As long as they accept my request and I have enough chakra for it" I ask her, stepping up with a determined look in my eye.

She nods dutifully, awfully amused and curious with my newfound expression. "That's right, why?"

"I want to see my Uncle Itachi."


The vivid remnants of a weird dream cling to the corners of my mind, refusing to fade away. As my eyes flutter open, I'm greeted by the view from my hotel room's balcony. The breathtaking sight of the ocean stretches out before me. The gentle rays of the morning sun dance upon the water's surface, casting a radiant hue of turquoise and sapphire.

I find myself momentarily lost in the tranquil beauty of the scene, as the sounds of crashing waves and the salty breeze fill the air. It takes a few seconds for my sleep-clouded mind to fully register the magnitude of the view, but when it does, a sense of awe washes over me, bringing me fully into the present moment.

I'm awake!

My heart flutters as I attempt to decipher the fragments of that weird dream I just had. Grandma Luna, grandma Mikoto, Grandpa Yuudai?! Yuudai Oshiro is it? Wow, Reiji and Uncle Shini really hold a strong resemblance to him...

We shared moments! Conversations, and Laughter that tugged at my heartstrings. The dream was so immersive, so incredibly lifelike, that I found myself questioning its authenticity. How could such a profound and emotionally charged encounter occur within the realm of dreams?

The images had been so clear, so tangible, that they seemed to have combined the boundaries between fantasy and reality. How did it all feel so real?! It had to have been real! But how? How is this possible?!

Wait, My sword! My sword and that summoning scroll I touched! It must hold the answers I'm looking for, it's the last thing I touched before I went out cold! Well actually, it was that butterfly that appeared right after I signed that scroll...I need to investigate!

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