Chapter 24 🌟

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Authors Note// Hello everyone! This chapter is a little shorter than usual (4.4k!) But I wanted to do a quicker updates for you guys! This is a Haruki centered chap, a bit more lighthearted! Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think! Enjoy

••2 Weeks later••

The transition from summer to fall had begun its subtle transformation in the Hidden Leaf Village, as the vibrant hues of green gave way to the warm tones of orange and yellow dancing among the trees. The air carried a crispness, hinting at the arrival of autumn as the village prepared for the change of seasons.

Within the walls of the shinobi academy, anticipation crackled in the air like static electricity. The students, including Haruki, found themselves on the cusp of a new chapter in their lives as graduation exams loomed on the horizon. It was a time of both excitement and apprehension, each student eager to prove themselves worthy of the title of shinobi.

But before the exams could commence, Shino had arranged for parent-teacher conferences—a momentous occasion that brought together families to discuss their children's progress and aspirations. For Haruki, it was an opportunity that came with tension and nervousness, particularly in the presence of her father, whose probable expectations loomed large in her mind.

He was the Sasuke Uchiha... she didn't necessarily feel the need to surpass him in any way, but how could she ever live up to that name?

Haruki guided her parents to her classroom with her eyes practically glued to the floor, taking quick and anxiety-ridden steps as they calmly followed behind her.

"Ruki baby, what's the rush? We're pretty early" Haru's voice, tinged with amusement, trailed behind her as she linked her hand with Sasuke's, their touch a rare display of public affection from the stoic Uchiha.

The man always had, always will, and still does hate PDA. But hell, how often is he home anymore? He can't find it in him to care about it these days.

Sasuke fondly eyed his daughter as she turned around and smiled sheepishly at them, her dark eyes glittering sweetly. Sasuke felt at ease watching over her now, noting how these last couple of weeks had been great for Ruki's recovery.

Ever since she had that vision of Haru's mother, he feared that she'd lost that sparkling innocence forever.

He'd always wished for his kids to remain as happy, calm, and stress free for as long as they possibly could. The weight of his own past lingered heavily in the air. Sasuke had always harbored the fervent wish for his children to lead lives untouched by the darkness that had consumed his own youth, to find solace and joy in a world free from the burdens of their lineage.

To think that his little girl, the one who objectively had a heart of gold and dreams made of pure sugary sweets could be hurt in such an uncontrollable way terrified him!

However, she had slowly begun returning to her usual state. In the quiet moments spent together, baking in the warm embrace of the kitchen or training in the dojo, Sasuke had witnessed the gradual return of his daughter's spirited demeanor, a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows of her past trauma.

Having the wolves around always made Haruki feel better, she and her little pup Kirei sticking together like glue, and Isamu always stopping by to give the child some guidance (And hugs, but he'd never admit that to the public)

School had also clearly helped, with her close friend Inojin stopping by the house ever so often to keep him company.

As much as Sasuke didn't like that little blonde artsy demon child-

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